I. Introduction - 15 minutes
A. Self-reflection activity around the five practices (e.g. "I provide opportunities for others to experience authentic audiences.") at boards around the room using green, yellow and red post-it notes
B. Welcome and introductions
C. Turn and talk - What has it looked like/felt like when you experienced empowering leadership at its best?
D. Importance of empowering cultures in education
E. Overview of the session’s purpose
II. Practice 1: Providing Authentic Audiences - 7 minutes
A. What are authentic audiences?
B. Benefits for student engagement and motivation
C. Examples of authentic audience opportunities
D. Turn and talk - share examples
III. Practice 2: Elevating Student Voice and Student Leadership - 7 minutes
A. Importance of student voice in decision-making
B. Creating platforms for student leadership
C. Examples of providing student voice and leadership
D. Stop and jot - share examples
IV. Practice 3: Tackling Real-World Issues - 7 minutes
A. Benefits of problem-based learning
B. Examples of projects addressing real-world challenges
C. Strategies for integrating real-world issues into lessons
D. Q-ball toss activity - share examples
V. Practice 4: Engaging Students in Service Learning - 7 minutes
A. Definition and significance of service learning
B. Examples of effective service learning opportunities/designs
C. Table share - share examples
VI. Practice 5: Elevating Students’ Strengths - 7 minutes
A. Importance of recognizing and leveraging individual strengths
B. Examples of strength-based practices
C. Share aloud: What are you a genius at?
D. Text message activity - send a text to someone who has empowered you.
VII. Closing Remarks - 5 minutes
A. Final thoughts on creating empowering school cultures
B. Resources and tools for further exploration
C. Thank you and next steps for participants