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Let's Hear It From the Kids!

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 117

Explore and create: Exploratory Creation lab
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Educational Technology Consultant
J2 Training
Janet is an educational technology consultant with experience as a classroom teacher, instructional technology coordinator, and adjunct professor. Her passion for assisting educators learn new strategies for successfully integrating technology into their curriculum has provided her with many opportunities to present at national, state, and local conferences and in school districts throughout the United States. She has co-authored four books on technology integration and professional development. Janet served in various positions for the TCEA Board of Directors and was awarded ISTE’s Making It Happen award given to leaders in educational technology. Also, Janet was an ISTE Featured Voice in 2020.

Session description

Audio and video recording tools can be used as a method for students to reflect on their learning, practice their reading and communication skills, and present information to others. Teachers can use these same tools for formative assessment and support their instruction.

Purpose & objective

In today's world, students need to be able to effectively present information in a variety of ways, not just with paper and pencil. Video and Audio in the classroom provide every student the opportunity to share their thoughts, reflect on their learning, practice their speaking skills, retell a story, and answer questions posed by the teacher. Many times, students will be hesitant to speak out in class, but through the use of various video and audio tools, most students will say things to a computer that they would not say out loud in class. Audio and video recording tools can be used as a method for students to reflect on their learning, practice their reading and communication skills, and present information to others. Teachers can use these same tools for formative assessment and support their instruction.
This presentation will include a variety of web-based tech tools and apps that allow students to create audio and video content including, but not limited to:
-Write Reader
-Adobe Express
-Chatterpix Kids
The presenter will share ideas for teachers to give students a choice in deciding what technology tools to for audio and video products The presenter will include student and teacher examples and will demonstrate how to create a product with some of the tools presented. Included in the presentation will be methods for teachers to offer students the opportunity to choose which tools are best for presenting their information to others. Throughout the workshop, the audience members will be asked to participate in hands-on, meaningful, and engaging activities and exercises. Also, methods for differentiating instruction will be discussed, including how to address higher-order skills. Participants will be given access to a website ( that will include links to all of the websites and apps from the presentation as well as student and teacher examples. The website will include a Padlet for attendee input. The Padlet activity and the questions/comments time slot will be an indication of the success of the workshop. Attendees will be asked to include which activities and ideas from the workshop will they use in their classrooms.

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1. Introduction - Present a short overview of the content and share the link to the website used in the session. (5 minutes) 2. Participant Input - Share the link to Padlet that allows attendees to input their ideas for facilitating student voice in their classrooms. (5 minutes) 3. The presenter will show student and teacher examples of some of the following technology tools that can be used to promote student voice: Flip, Vocaroo, Screencastify, ChatterPix Kids, and more. Demonstration of how to use some of the tools will also be included. (20 minutes) 4. Attendees will participate in some of the activities that have been discussed and have time to create a product using some of the tools discussed. (20 minutes) 5. Closing/Reflection - Review the Padlet of ideas from the attendees and answer any questions. (10 minutes)

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Supporting research

-8 Ways to Empower Student Voice in your Classroom by Jennifer Snelling. December 24, 2018.
-Empowering Student Voice with Flipgrid.
By Microsoft in Education Canada Team Posted on October 26, 2018.
-10 Reasons to Use Video for Education. Cincopa.January 31, 2019.

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Session specifications

Student agency, choice and voice
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Flip and Chatterpix Kids on mobile devices; Screncastify or Loom Extension on devices that use the Google Chrome browser
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Creative Communicator
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
  • Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
  • Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.