Participants will learn strategies they can use to expand the use of the ISTE Standards at their school or district. They will gain insight into how to use teacher-led professional development and peer-to-peer mentoring to teach and model implementation of the ISTE Standards for Students.
I. Introduction to Fulton County Schools and the Vanguard Team (10 minutes)
a. Who are we?
i. Fulton County Instructional Technology Department team
ii. Fulton County Schools - Demographics
1) Speak to the diversity of Fulton County Schools
2) Challenges of having a small team supporting a large district.
iii. What is the FCS Vanguard Team?
iv. 2022 ISTE Distinguished District
b. Instructional Technology Department Strategic Plan
i. Department Goals
1) Optimize students' use of technology to foster innovation, communication, collaboration, creation, and learning acceleration.
2) Create collaborative partnerships that expand the impact of instructional technology for students, staff, and families.
ii. Focus on the ISTE Standards
1) Knowledge Constructor
2) Creative Communicator
3) Global Collaborator
II. Aligning our Efforts to Create Intentional Impact (20 minutes)
a. Vanguard Impact Plan
i. Purpose
ii. Components of the plan
iii. Link to the Vanguard Impact Plan template
b. School examples - Share examples of Vanguard member's Impact Plans for each of the ISTE standards on which FCS is focusing:
i. Knowledge Constructor
ii. Creative Communicator
iii. Global Collaborator
III. Interactive Activity - How will YOU make an impact on students or staff with the ISTE standards? (20 minutes)
a. Participants will brainstorm the impact they want to have in the upcoming school year and share with a partner (peer-to-peer interaction)
b. They will pick one ISTE student standard that they want to implement to a greater extent, or teach others to implement.
c. Brainstorm ideas for actions they could take to help move toward that goal and add them to a Padlet board categorized by ISTE Standard (device-based collaborative activity).
IV. Challenges and Lessons Learned (5 minutes)
V. Looking Forward - What's next? (5 minutes)
"EdTech Essentials: The Top 10 Technology Strategies for All Learning Environments," by Monica Burns
This book speaks to the following topics related to the ISTE Standards that we are focusing on in Fulton County Schools:
- Help students navigate online spaces effectively
- Introduce opportunities for students to explore the world
- Give students time and space to create products of learning
- Provide opportunities for students to share what they have learned
- Connect student work to a relevant and authentic audience
- Plan for tech-rich learning experiences