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Food for Thought: A School´s Podcast to Change the World

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom Lobby, Table 14

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Instituto Alpes San Javier
I am currently studying Innovation and Design Engineering. I recently started working as a MakerSpace operator. When I was a high school student I had the opportunity to participate as an presenter at ISTE 2017 and 2018. So I am excited to return, but now as a teacher.
Instituto Alpes San Javier
Instituto Alpes San Javier
Instituto Alpes San Javier
STEAM Coordinator & Tech Integrator
Instituto Alpes San Javier
Hilda is a STEAM Coordinator & K-6 Technology Specialist. She is passionate about education. She is specialized in the design of learning experiences. She has implemented several educational innovation methodologies based on the MAKER movement, and STEAM workshops. She has co-designed graphical methodologies for the design of challenges and has participated in the implementation of several innovation projects for the integration of technology in the classroom. Hilda is the co-designer and operator of the Alpes Preschool Makerspace fostering each day creativity and innovation skills in children through real-life experiences related to STEAM fields and the Maker movement.
Dean of Studies
Instituto Alpes San Javier
A passionate teacher with over 20 years of teaching and coordination experience seeking for a real change in the world of education. ISTE19 speaker, academic coach, Apple Teacher and K12 Apple Coach, oratory, debate and poetry recitation coach. Inspired by national and international innovation in education courses and talks shared by other educators, she is currently the Dean of Studies and English Coordinator at Instituto Alpes San Javier where she grants learning opportunities for all students, coordinates the faculty and designs and reviews professional development programs and the instructional model of the school while integratating technology for improving education .

Session description

Alpes San Javier Institute in Mexico, a girls-only school, put together a series of episodes in a podcast to share its innovative edtech journey from the points of view of different members of the school community. Learn, share and apply our best practices enhanced by technology and ISTE Standards.

Purpose & objective

We live in the collaboration era and we strongly believe that by sharing we learn.
The main goal of this session is to share with the audience our success story on implementing a podcast in which we talk about our journey on generating an innovation culture in our school, with technology as our best ally.
Would you like to know about our victories, the roadblocks, the pains and the gains, on this path? You should listen to us!

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Attendees will have access to the podcast platform to listen to each episode according to their own needs and interest in the path of innovation of their own institutions.
The group of presenters, including teachers, administration staff, academic coordinators, and students, will be sharing from their point of view and expertisse answering questions that may arise from the different topics addressed in the podcast.
A learning community will be originated from integrating participants to the collaborative blog where more successful experiences will be shared.
The step by step process for creating the podcast will be displayed for easy replication including the tech tools we used for the script, editing and publishing.

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Supporting research

Sinanis, T., & Sanfelippo, J. (2015). The power of branding: telling your schools story. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, a Sage Company.

Vaynerchuk, G. (2017). Crush it!: why Now is the time to cash in on your passion. New York: Harper Business, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Start that podcast!

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Session specifications

Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Empowering Leader
  • Inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration that allows the time and space to explore and experiment with digital tools.
Visionary Planner
  • Share lessons learned, best practices, challenges and the impact of learning with technology with other education leaders who want to learn from this work.
For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Cultivate a supportive coaching culture that encourages educators and leaders to achieve a shared vision and individual goals.
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