The pandemic upended schools that quickly moved 1:1 and into emergency learning. As we emerge, schools are seeking to build momentum for effective digital learning. This forum is intended to leverage the experience and wisdom in the room to design takeaways that can be customized for their own schools. It addresses key challenges for system change including building buy in among educators, understanding what student agency is and looks like, how leaders know effective tech integration when they observe classrooms, how to plan strategically to take the next steps and overcoming misconceptions around the ISTE Standards.
A facilitated station rotation model for each problem of practice will include hands-on, collaborative activities and digital takeaways from each station that can be accessed and used by all participants.
Using stations and a facilitated discussions approach, explore the question: What conditions will help accelerate innovative changes in teaching and learning?
Facilitators will lead each station and participants will choose two of the five stations to work with the group to design a takeaway. Duration at each station: 30 minutes.
Planning a digital learning roll-out: From vision to action planning, school or district teams need to understand the skills gap, incentives and resources needed for a successful rollout of a digital learning plan. Using a protocol, this group will focus on strategies, tactics and actionable steps to plan an effective roll out of your digital learning plan.
Building momentum for digital learning efforts: Time, testing pressures, lack of confidence using technology and a full curriculum create barriers for educators to fully embrace technology in service of learning. This station will focus on strategies and resources to empower educators to start where there are and take the next steps. Using collaborative tools, this group will curate resources and build the case for supporting skeptics to become practitioners.
Mythbusting the ISTE Standards: Misconceptions abound about the ISTE Standards. The standards are a framework for effective use of technology to advance learning and impact student outcomes. But assumptions can create a barrier to educators willing to explore how they can use them with their students. At this station, the group will create resources that can be used in school PD or staff meetings as a fun and engaging way to learn more about the standards.
Building Student Agency: Educators and leaders understand the importance of more student self-direction and empowering student voice and choice, but what does it look like in practice? This station will explore definitions of student agency, identify concrete strategies that schools and systems can do to build agency and examples and resources that illustrate what it looks like and how we can build it in our students.
Transformation Look Fors + Ask Abouts: Building leaders observe classrooms to evaluate teachers. But do leaders know what good teaching looks like in a tech-rich, blended learning environment to ensure student outcomes are met? Do they know best practice in planning these lessons with the ISTE Standards to make sure active learning is taking place? Through the use of Learning walls, Instructional Rounds and Calibration walks, administrators can immediately see the impact observations and actionable feedback can have on student outcomes. By shifting the focus from “what the teacher is doing” to “What the students are doing”, administrators will gain a new perspective on the effectiveness of technology integration and best practice strategies.
Soon to be published: Dr. Helen Crompton’s research on the empirical evidence demonstrates that the practices in the educator section of the ISTE Standards has a positive impact on student learning?