Teachers will walk away from this presentation with a variety of templates to create their own Hyperdocs and choice boards so they can provide differentiated learning opportunities for their students.
During the presentation, teachers will discover the pedagogy and benefits of choice boards and Hyperdocs. Attendees will have a chance to explore different formats and platforms to discover the countless options available. We will also explore some options for diverse learner needs and support. The format will be in the form of a Hyperdoc in order to provide teachers with a similar experience that their students will experience.
Teachers should walk away with a toolbox full of templates to implement a Hyperdoc or choice board in their classroom.
Part 1 (15 minutes) An introduction to Hyperdocs and choice boards: Why we should use Hyperdocs and choice board? Why and how to differentiate for learner differences? How do we give student choice and an opportunity to show their voice?
Part 2 (10 minutes) Where do I start?: Explore the technical foundations of setting up a Hyperdoc, the options that are available for activities, differentiation, different ways to provide learning support, and where to find templates and support
Part 3 (20 minutes)) Time to Explore - device-based activity. This will be time for teachers to explore the choice board provided that includes various templates and polls. They can also begin to work on their own Hyperdoc. Teachers will link their new creations to a padlet so others can explore their new Hyperdocs.
Part 4 (10 minutes) Wrap up and Q&A - Opportunity to share what teachers created, ask questions, get feedback.
Format will in the form of a Hyperdoc. At first I will guide teachers through the Hyperdoc then release them to explore more in-depth.