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Storytelling, Art and Culture Through the Eyes of a Preschooler in AR

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom Lobby, Table 6

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Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Highlands International School
Preschool Viceprincipal
Highlands International School México
Head of Innovation and Technology
Highlands International School.
Head of Innovation and Technology at Highlands International School, México. BA in Pedagogy, MA in Neuropsychology, MA in Educational Management by Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City. Apple Teacher Swift Playgrounds. Member of the Apple Professional Learning Community. Common Sense Educator.
Innovation and Technology
Highlands International Preeschool
I studied Pedagogy at the University Iberoamericana in Mexico City, then I decided to expand my knowledge and studied a master in Neuropsychology and Education in the Universidad Panamericana. I have been a teacher for 8 years and I am convinced that education can change the world. Preschool Teacher at Highlands International School, México
K1 Teacher
Highlands International School
K2 students from Highlands International School, Mexico. Lead by Ana Patricia Yunes, K2 teacher. BA in Pedagogy, Apple teacher and passionate about innovation. Common Sense Educator.

Session description

Experience how a preschooler sees the world as they learn about monuments and art pieces worldwide. For this project, recreated pieces of art and presented them using augmented reality and storytelling, then assembled a story based on their research.

Purpose & objective

We live in a globalized world where children have to learn to tolerate and respect differences.
We decided to work with historical monuments because we believe that they are a source of expression that stores a lot of culture and that can tell us a lot about the history of a place. In this project we decided to work with art because through art, children learn competencies linked to the development of multiple intelligences such as: linguistic, spatial, musical, logical-mathematical through the musical field and stimulate creative thinking.

The children chose their favorite historical monument and made a replica through a work of art created by them. They justified the reason for their choice and reflected on the importance of respecting the culture of other countries and respecting diversity.
Then, they made their artwork in augmented reality and were able to create a small evidence room, where they shared with their classmates the importance of cultural diversity and respecting others.
We add the part of creating a story for them to ground their learning process by putting together all of what they earned and getting to express themselves in a complementary way.
They talked about how much they learned about other cultures through their historical monuments and learned a lot about how much we can express through art and sharing their stories and creations with their friends.
The main purposes of this presentation are:

To share with the audience what they learned about respecting cultural diversity through their own AR pieces of art.
Share their learning process, what they learned, what they liked the most, what they enjoyed and the challenges they faced.
How they used art, storytelling and augmented reality to learn about a topic.

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Students will share with the audience their experience, how they built them, what they liked the most, what they learned, the challenges they faced and their learning process. The audience will be able to participate by listening to them and interacting with their physical and AR creations, asking questions to broaden the perspective of the project and sharing ideas to leverage the experience and learning.
Time - each participant will be able to stay as long as they want in the stand, but kids will take about 5-10 minutes explaining how they build the project, the challenges, what they liked the most, sharing ideas and talking about what they learned.

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Supporting research

Flores, R. (2020) Urban Kindergarten Parents’ Beliefs about Exposure to Music and Art and Early Learning. Creative Education, 11, 885-897.
Rymanowicz (2015) The art of creating: Why art is important for early childhood development.
Mirza (2019) Why it’s important to bring diversity into Early Years’ settings.

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Session specifications

Augmented, mixed & virtual reality
Grade level:
Skill level:
Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Performing/visual arts, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Creative Communicator
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.