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Generative AI: Prompt Engineering, Equity, Career Pathways

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom I

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Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives
Hall Davidson served education for 40 years. In the classroom, he taught on an Emmy-winning mathematics series, while performing improv in Los Angeles. An administrator, he led a county media technology consortium serving 400,000 students. He served on the boards of ISTE, California-affiliate CUE, and state task forces, and students through the nation’s oldest student media festival. He is president of an educational media foundation serving a million students. He has keynoted conferences internationally. He currently serves as Senior Director of Global Learning Initiatives for Discovery Education, serving more than half the schools in the US and countries on four continents.

Session description

Learn about resources for addressing equity issues in artificial intelligence careers. Students must become familiar with AI. First, K-12 classroom engagement strategies with AI that are easy and fun. Next, overview and links to organizations created and committed to making the AI community more diverse. Finally, interviews and field trips to workplaces with AI.

Purpose & objective

Educational or infrastructure challenge/situation.
Artificial Intelligence is taught in less than 25% of school. This session will offer ways for elementary and secondary teachers to integrate AI at an appropriate level in their school.
Technology intervention (include specific names/titles and descriptions if tools are not widely known and available).
AI devices and websites: Alexa is both a hardware and software tool, but integration requires collaboration with IT and parent groups. This session offers specific tools. AI sites such as Google's AI experiments offer creative and engaging tools and experiments. STEMcareersCoalition offers invaluable role models and resources
Models employed (include a brief description). Website resources from and and are shared and explained

Lesson plans or instructional activities/strategies employed (include a brief description of your instructional electronic resources or tools used). Sample resources, including deep and diverse lesson plans can be found at
Evidence of success. An exit poll will be taken to explore successful understanding and enthusiasm. Also, downloads from resource sites are tracked

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10 minutes. Define Artificial intelligence and briefly show engaging examples

-15 minutes:Engagement section Presenter explains origin and scope of free material. Breaks participants into teams (in person, or in virtual online groups). Presenter models diving deep into resources, using three examples. Participants download master workshop materials ( on phones, tablets, or laptops). The download contains links, simplifying resource exploration.

-10 minutes: Diversity section: Participants will see data about bias in AI and ways to combat it. Participants will explore organizations whose mission is to expand diversity in AI.

15 minutes. Career section: Participants in teams explore no-cost resource sites for career with diverse role models. Many of the resources have branches for different grades levels and goals. Each team will be guides to explore a minimum, of two resource sites. Teams then create six-word stories summaries of the resource(s) they

-10 minutes: Review of new summaries. Reflections, Q & A

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Supporting research

First, available research examples on careers. Then available research on artificial intelligence.
"Role of Career Exploration in Influencing Career Choice among
Pre-University (High Schoo) Students" Noor Ashira Yusran,Mohd Hazwan Mohd Puad, * and Muhd Khaizer Omar2, Pertanica, Social Science, and Humanities Journal 2019)
"Partnering with Families for Middle School Career Exploration. Research-Based Strategies for Middle-Level Educators" Developed by the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center Keli Bussell, Patrick D. Cunningham, Edward C. Fletcher, Jr., Barbara J. Boone, and Traci Lepicki (2021)
"How can a relevance intervention in math support students' career choices?"HeidePiesch1HannaGaspard1CoraParrisiusEikeWilleBenjaminNagengast, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Volume 71, November–December 2020, 101185
"Career development learning in childhood: a collaborative guidance approach in Spanish low-income contexts" Soledad Romero-RodríguezORCID Icon,Celia Moreno-MorillaORCID Icon &Eduardo García-JiménezORCID Icon, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling (2021The most available research is on the SEL programs. These follow. Listed after that is the research on career exposure for grades 3-12 Students.
Effective universal school-based social and emotional learning programs for improving academic achievement: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 50 years RP Corcoran, ACK Cheung, E Kim, C Xie - Educational Research Review, 2018 - ElsevierSocial and Emotional Learning: Promoting the Development of All Students
Joseph E. Zins &Maurice J. Elias Pages 233-255 | Published online: 05 Dec
2007; The Scientific Base Linking Social and Emotional Learning to School
Success. Joseph E. Zins,Michelle R. Bloodworth,Roger P. Weissberg &Herbert J.
Walberg Pages 191-210 | Published online: 05 Dec 2007; Enhancing school-based prevention and youth development through coordinated social,
emotional, and academic learning. Greenberg, Mark T. Weissberg, Roger P.
O'Brien, Mary Utne Zins, Joseph E. Fredericks, Linda Resnik, Hank Elias,
Maurice J. .;

Artificial Intelligence Leaps into K-12 Education"Harish Agrawal, Magic Box, Jan 18, 2018; ISTE publication Empower Learner (7/17)
(Presenter is referenced). "When AI Comes to School"; AI Is on the Upswing in Optimizing K–12 Education (Edweek 10/2/17) "Siri, is this you?": Understanding young children's interactions with voice input systems, Silvia Lovato, Anne Marie Piper Northwestern University, Evanston IL "Terrifyingly Convenient"
"Here's Why You Should Stop Swearing at Siri Right Now" Barb Darrow 9/29/16, Journal of Human Sciences, "On the track of Artificial Intelligence: Learning with Intelligent Personal Assistants'" Nil Goksel Canbek, Anadolu, University,Turkey Ph.D.c, School of Foreign Languages, Anadolu University Mehmet Emin Mutlu, Anadolu University, Turkey "Five Top Tech Companies Form Group to Foster Good AI" USA Today. 9/29/16 Also: "The roles of models in Artificial Intelligence and Education research: Bringing computational thinking to K-12: what is Involved and what is the role of the computer science education community? "(2011), Inroads, v2, i1 "Prospective view", Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education, 2000, 11, pp.122-143. " Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in Education" Vladan Devedžić Journal of Educational Technology & Society "Machine learning in Science" : "Siri, is this you? Understanding young children's interactions with voice input systems', Silvia Lovato, Anne Marie Piper Northwestern University, Evanston IL "Terrifyingly Convenient", "Here's Why You Should Stop Swearing at Siri Right Now" by Barb Darrow 9/29/16, Journal of Human Sciences, "On the track of Artificial Intelligence: Learning with Intelligent Personal Assistants'" Nil Goksel Canbek, Anadolu University,Turkey Ph.D.c, School of Foreign Languages, Anadolu University Mehmet Emin Mutlu, Anadolu University, Turkey "Five Top Tech Companies Form Group to Foster Good AI" USA Today. 9/29/16 others-form-ai-consortium---no-apple-tesla/91266190/

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Career and technical education, Computer science
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Ensure all students have access to the technology and connectivity necessary to participate in authentic and engaging learning opportunities.
For Educators:
  • Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students.
  • Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session
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