In this session our students will teach you how to create amazing storytelling experiences using code, from the basics with Scratch to more advance code using playgrounds and makey-makey.
Writing a story should be fun and collaborative!
This session will give you the opportunity to learn and implement this activity in your classroom.
In Language Arts classes, students will create short stories with multiple choices and turn in amazing and creative narration. Topics may include an array of themes: adventures, biographies, etc.
First students will create the flowchart of their stories: how it develops.
Once the stories have a path they write it using code.
Then they test their stories several times, finding out how funny and amazing they are.
Finally they share with other students, sharing their imaginations and choosing their own options.
They are creative writers.
We invite you to let them write using code.
During the presentation, our students will show their project and let the participant to chose and create their own story.
Then, they will show and teach how to create a story using code and will invite them to create one short story.
All participants will have access to our students projects, videos and methodology.
Barrios, F. et al. (2008). Antología narrativa. México: Barrios, F. et al. (2008). Antología narrativa. México: Santillana.
Cassany, Daniel, La cocina de la escritura. Barcelona, Anagrama, 2000.
Díaz Barriga, Frida. (2002) Estrategias para el aprendizaje significativo.
Gracida Juárez, Ysabel y A. Galindo [coord.], Comprensión y producción de textos.Un acto comunicativo, México, UNAM/CCH, 2001.
Ferreiro,Ramón.ABC Aprendizaje Cooperativo/The ABC of Cooperative Learning
Ferreiro,Ramón.Estrategias didácticas del aprendizaje cooperativo: Método ELI/Cooperative Learning Didactic
Quintero Jara, Carlos V. Taller de Lectura y Redacción II : enfoque por competencias.