*Visual literacy -teachers will be able to introduce the topic in comics and social media
*The importance of students as creators - using comics making tools such as Pixton
*I will share specific lesson plans I have used in my classroom, such as creating modern fairytales to describe modern issues and global culture.
*The evidence will be shared through student creation and shared experiences from my own classroom
The presentation will be broken down into -
*Why comics for me and my family - the importance of teacher passion and sharing our experiences online through social media, blogging, etc.
*A background of what comics actually are and their role in our global history
*Comics as literature and literacy - 21st century online reading skills
*Comics as history and artifact
*Comics as representation
*Cross-curricular lesson ideas in STEAM
*Comics making
*Continuing the conversation in online communities
I am a published author on the topic
*Teaching With Comics and Graphic Novels - my book from Routledge
*PBS - multiple articles, such as
*Published curriculum from Scholastic, MacMillan, and others
*Recognized national expert who gives professional development K-12 and on the university level
*Wrote a Masters thesis on teaching with comics from Gwynedd Mercy University