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Mastering Tech Standards in Every Classroom

Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Franklin 1/2

Explore and create: Deep-dive Creation lab
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Toms River Regional Schools
Toms River Regional Schools
Toms River Regional Schools
Toms River Regional Schools
Tiffany Lucey is a leader in educational technology who creates learning resources, content and experiences to advance STEAM equity in PreK-College learning environments. As a former Teacher of the Year for mathematics and computer science, she is known for her interdisciplinary maker approach to learning. As the Supervisor of Educational Technology, Careers and Life Skills at Toms River Regional Schools her work is to engage prek-12 students in Career and Technical Educational opportunities within and beyond the classroom.
Assistant Superintendent (retired) / Ed Consultant
Toms River Regional School District
@Marc Natanagara
As a preK to college educator and administrator over the past 35 years, Dr. Natanagara has promoted authentic learning and the meaningful use of technology through small and large events, facilities design, millions of dollars in successful grants, and facilitating thousands of hours of workshops. Author of NJ’s 2020 Roadmap to Digital Learning and co-creator of the nonprofit Jersey Shore Makerfest.
Toms River Regional Schools
Toms River Regional Schools
Toms River Regional Schools
Toms River Regional Schools

Session description

Just as students don’t learn to manage their money after one semester of personal finance, we can’t expect them to master tech applications when they only experience the content in one subject area. Participants from every discipline will share vetted strategies for addressing state and national STEM and computer science standards.

Purpose & objective

Learners will leave our session knowing:
-how to design lessons where learning is personalized (accessible and engaging to all students)
-how to connect lessons and make them authentic (has real-world meaning)
-how to engage students to make them active participants in the design of their learning
-how to design activities that are more open-ended, creative, metacognitive, rigorous, multisensory, multi-intelligence, and enjoyable
-how to apply a framework for selecting and measuring the effectiveness of technology tools, strategies, platforms, and environments/spaces; and
-find that when students engage in STEM content across disciplines– particularly technology and computer science– they are not only more likely to understand it; they will discover greater meaning and relevance.

All digital tools will be fully web-enabled and accessible across platforms. Additional tech devices will be available on site. We will also provide all materials and tools for design challenges.

We will know we have been successful by checking in on student learning throughout our program using formative assessment tools like Pear Deck as well as the delight our participants express in their designs and takeaways in the classroom. Ultimately, the forging of long-term relationships as well as a support network as our learners are leaders in the classroom and the impact the shift in mindset to student-driven classrooms will have on future generations.

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2 minutes: Introduction
3 minutes: Getting to Know You Activity: Personalizing the learners learning - Google Form, Music Video
4 minutes: Collaborative definition of Personalized Learning & Discussion - Menti-Meter Word Cloud
7 minutes: Design Challenge 1 - Hands-on materials built with choice
5 minutes: What makes learning authentic? Project vs. Problem Based Learning - Discussion and Jamboard
8 minutes: Beginning with the end in mind: Standards and meeting objectives across disciplines - Interactive Pear Deck
2 minutes: Taking charge of your learning: Skills Training preview of options - Direct Instruction
7 minutes: Skills Training: Tech tools with multiple modes of expression to demonstrate student learning. Self-paced content for each small group. - Small Affinity Groups: Pear Deck, Screencastify & Flipgrid, Canva & Jamboard, Storyboard That, GlideApp
7 minutes: Design Challenge 2 - Hands-on with device of choice
14 minutes: Gallery Walk - Peer-to-peer interaction
8 minutes: Brainstorm & Discussion: Rubrics and criteria for success - Padlet, Rubistar
5 minutes: Flexible spaces for flexing the mind - interactive Pear Deck
5 minutes: Discussion & Sharing: Sample personalized learning template - QR Code share of template
8 minutes: Taking it bigger: personalizing learning for your classroom or school, developing your own template - Peer to peer interaction
5 minutes: Wrap it up! Final sharing, learning, and takeaways - Facilitated Discussion

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Supporting research

Arends, R. I. (1998). Resource handbook. Learning to teach (4th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Friere, P., & Horton, M. (1990). We make the road by walking: Conversations on education and social change. Bell, B., Gaventa,
J., & Peters, J. (Eds.). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Herold, B. (October 18, 2016). Personalized learning: What does the research say? Education Week online, 36(09), pp. 14-15. Accessed at:
Lake, R. & Olson, L. (July 2020). Learning as we go. Seattle, WA: Center on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington. Accessed at: diagnostics brief 2020.pdf
Pink, Daniel (2009). Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.

Use of Digital Resources to Personalize Learning
Creating a personalized learning classroom environment from ISTE
Interview with ed tech author Holly Clark on using tech from DYKnow
ISTE slide presentation by Sumption and Damm, Southwest West Central Services
New frontiers in student-centered learning from the CT Department of Admin Services
Ten tips for personalizing learning using technology from Edutopia
Use of data to personalize learning from the National Forum on Education Statistics
Using technology to personalize learning in K-12 schools from SRI Education

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Session specifications

Project-, problem- & challenge-based learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Professional developers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
As a beginner session, an email account and QR code reader would be helpful. All programs shared will require internet access. Folks without access will be encouraged to share with their new friends and elbow partners, just like any day in school. There's a seat for everyone.
Anyone who has participated in our programs knows that additional tools and materials as well as mixed media are welcome and encouraged for use in our design challenges.
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
For Students:
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.