My challenge has been to improve student engagement in our school orchestra program. My students come from a variety of backgrounds, both educationally and culturally. Better ways of student engagement needed to be created in order for my students to bridge the gaps in their learning lost to the pandemic, and to achieve success on their instruments
Apps used to improve student engagement and give students a means to demonstrate their own learning included:
Jamboards for students to brainstorm about how to improve their skills.
Flip video to record student performances and for students to offer feedback on the performances of other students.
Google Slides used in conjunction with Flip, and Soundtrap for students to share their music making and creating with other students.
I used the "I Do, We Do Together, You Do" method when teaching the technology components of our work. Students had a good grasp of Slides and Flip as these are apps that my students begin using in third grade. Students had to learn how to use Jamboard,, and Soundtrap in order to have some new tools for sharing their learning.
I've been able to see evidence of success with my fifth and sixth-grade students. They are very comfortable using technology to share their learning experiences. My fourth graders are already comfortable using Flipgrid, so they are now learning about some other tools to help them share their learning experiences. My students are also confident enough now to use the technology that they've used at school away from our school settings.
Participants will be able to:
Understand how allowing students to have a voice and choice in showcasing their learning can offer opportunities for authentic assessment.
Choose and create learning showcases based on the individual needs of students.
Use technology to help create learning showcases.
Teach students how to choose learning showcases appropriate for their learning styles and interests.
Teach students how to create their own learning showcases.
The following topics will be discussed:
Having the confidence as an educator to encourage student voice and choice in your class space.
How to encourage student voice and choice to showcase learning:
Teacher awareness of students' learning styles and interests; teacher awareness of students' levels of confidence in their
decision-making processes; teacher demonstration of multiple ways to showcase learning.
Look at multiple means of expressing student voice/choice including choice boards, games,
team building activities such as digital breakouts, audio/video recordings, and electronic portfolios.
Tools that you and your students can use to showcase learning, using the I Do, We Do, You Do model. Tools will include:
Google Slides to create choice boards.
Google Slides or Drawings to give a visual representation of learning that is showcased.
Online games such as Kahoot, Flippity, and/or Quizziz in which questions and graphics can be uploaded with materials from the
content that students are learning.
Digital breakout activities created with Google Forms that encourage groups of students to work together to solve challenges and
showcase learning.
Audio/video recordings using Flipgrid.
Students as ensemble decision-makers using recordings of their rehearsals and either Jamboard or Padlet to offer constructive
ideas to guide future learning.
E-portfolios created with Wakelet and/or Google Sites.
Examples from my practice will include:
A choice board that I've created.
Google Slides that my students have created to demonstrate their learning.
Sample games that I've created with Flippity as well as games that I've created in Kahoot.
Digital breakout activity that reviews several challenging measures in a piece of music that students are learning.
A sample Flipgrid mixtape.
A rehearsal video with student suggestions for improving performance.
A sample e-portfolio created with Wakelet.
Participants can be involved in this session by:
1. Completing a quick poll asking which tools they are currently using to showcase student learning.
2. Contributing to a Padlet and/or Flip mixtape in which they describe ways to encourage student voice and choice.
3. Participants can add resources to a Wakelet collection on this topic.
Pass the Baton-Empowering All Music Students. Written by Kathryn Finch and Theresa Hoover.
Using Technology to Unlock Musical Creativity. Written by Dr. Scott Watson.
Music Education and Social/Emotional Learning. Written by Scott Edgar.
The Innovator's Mindset. Written by George Couros.