Coaches, specialists, and educational leaders face great challenges post-COVID including addressing learning gaps, time restraints, and an influx of new teachers with little to no background in education. Participants boost their impact and influence on instructional practices by knowing how to combine elements of Universal Design Learning (UDL) and brain research to personalize coaching and professional learning experiences for teachers. Participants will be able to create differentiated professional learning platforms to overcome the challenges and obstacles of coaches and teachers that impede professional growth.
I. Introduction (3 minutes)
II. Coaching Challenges and Experiences (5 minutes) (Peer-to-peer & Device-based- Mentimeter)
II. Mapping Teacher Capacity using Brain Research (10)
a. Autonomic Nervous System
b. S.C.A.R.F. Model
IV. Coaching with Purpose and Brain Research (10 minutes)
a. Universal Design Learning and Adult Learning Theory
V. Tools for Coaching (Peer-to-Peer and Device-Based Activities) (30-35 minutes)
a. Tools for Feedback for Lesson plans, Video Tapping, Evaluations, Exit
Tickets, Issue Bins (Mote, Kaiena, Voxer, Google Forms)
b. Professional Learning Platforms and Options -
Face-to-Face (PLCs, Teacher Showcases, Drop in PD) (Peer to Peer
Podcasting (Anchor, Google Podcasts, and more)
Self-Paced and Self-Help Resources (Google Sites, Sway)
VI. Closure (Collaborative Padlet) (5 minutes)