Objectives: At the end of the session participants will be familiar with the Profile of a Lifelong Learner and how it can be used to complement CTE programs for students 16+. They will be able to define the importance of digital skills within career navigation and identify which discreet skills are important for the future workforce.
This session will present tangible takeaways that will help educators revisit their own CTE programming with the lens of digital pathways for all.
This addresses the need for digital skills across CTE programs and career navigation, and provides a framework for educators to incorporate the skills of today for the work of tomorrow.
Starting with an Equity walk/activity to understand pathways, privilege and inequality in traditional forms: this will be an audience participation activity of about 10 minutes, plus a few key takeaway thoughts.
Review of statistics and EU models of student workforce training - presentation, 10 minutes.
Jamboard - advantages and disadvantages of training.. Plus by products such as accessibility, equity. - brainstorming peer-to-peer activity.
Presentation of SkillRise work and how it can complement existing programs or guide how they are framed. 20 minutes.
Q&A ten minutes