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ISTELive 24 Meeting Room Rules and Regulations

1. Purpose of Meeting Rooms Rental

ISTELive 24 is an educational event, and the in-person exposition staged in conjunction with the professional conference (“Exposition”) is a vital element of this educational process.

No selling, price posting, or order taking will be permitted on the expo floor, in rented meeting rooms or other areas controlled by ISTE’s Exhibit Management agent (hereafter referred to as Exhibit Management) and ISTE during the Exposition.

2. Assignment of Meeting Space

Meeting space will be assigned in the order reservations are received based on availability and space configuration. Notwithstanding the above, Exhibit Management reserves the right to change location assignments when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the exposition. Instances involving relocation of a meeting room due to unforeseen circumstances, force majeure, or acts of God or war shall be governed by the provision “Cancellation, Postponement, or Relocation of Meeting Room” below. Meeting Room Renter agrees that its meeting room shall be admitted into the exposition and shall remain from day to day solely on strict compliance with all the rules herein described. Exhibit Management reserves the right to reject, eject, or prohibit any meeting room in whole or in part, or any Meeting Room Renter with cause if the installation is unsuitable to or not consistent with the character of the exposition. Exhibit Management's liability for rejection with cause shall be limited to a refund to the Meeting Room Renter of the amount of rental unearned at the time of ejection. However, if meeting room or Meeting Room Renter is ejected for violation of these rules or for any other stated reason, no return of rental shall be made.

3. Rental of Space and its Use

Rental includes the following, based on package purchased:

Standard room package

Room size: 4m x 5m (13' x 16')


  • Private hardwall room.
  • Carpet.
  • Standard conference seating for 6.
  • (2) 4' draped tables.
  • Wastebasket.
  • Tree.
  • Sign indicating room number and company name (size up to 22” x 28”).

Deluxe room package

Room size: 5m x 5m (16' x 16')


All Standard room amenities, plus:

  • Upgraded seating—deluxe conference seating for 6.

Premium room package

Room size: 6m x 5m (19.5' x 16')


All Standard room amenities, plus:

  • Upgraded seating—premium conference seating for 6.
  • Floral centerpiece.

Hanging signs: are not allowed over meeting room space.

Animals: No animals shall be permitted in the exposition or in rented meeting rooms, with the exception of service animals required for use by participants.

4. Subletting of Space

The Meeting Room Renter shall not assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of the meeting space assigned or have representatives, equipment, or materials from firms other than its own in the Meeting Space without written consent of Exhibit Management. Only one company shall be considered as the renter of the meeting space; any other company or entity in the Meeting Space shall be considered a subsidiary or affiliate.

5. Installation and Dismantling

The Meeting Room Renter explicitly agrees that in the event it fails to install its products in assigned Meeting Space or fails to remit payment for required space rental or payment for advertising at time specified, Exhibit Management shall have the right to take possession of said space and lease same or any part thereof to such parties and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem proper. In addition, the Meeting Room Renter shall not dismantle or otherwise interfere with the orderly conduct and display of the Exhibits until the Exhibit Floor is finally closed to the Conference attendees.

6. Fire and Safety Regulations

The Meeting Room Renter assumes all responsibility for compliance with local, city, state, ISTE and Exhibit Management safety, fire and health rules and ordinances covering installation and operation of equipment and of their meeting room including, but not limited to, restrictions on the amount of people who may gather in the exhibit booth and compliance with any social distancing rules or other COVID-related protocols. The Meeting Room Renter shall not pack merchandise in paper, straw, excelsior, or any other readily inflammable material. All cartons stored in the Exhibit Building shall be emptied of contents. The Meeting Room Renter shall use no inflammable decoration or covering for display fixtures, and all fabrics or other material used for decoration or covering shall be flameproof. If required by local law or ordinances, the Meeting Room Renter shall have on hand in its Meeting Space a notarized affidavit establishing that its display materials have been treated during the last year by an approved chemical. All wiring devices and sockets shall be in good condition and meet the requirements of local law.

7. Union Labor

If required by local ordinances, the Meeting Room Renter must comply with all union regulations applicable to installation, dismantling, and display of the Meeting Room.

8. Code of Conduct

The Meeting Room Renter and its representatives agree to abide by the ISTE code of conduct. In addition to the above, Meeting Room Renter and its representatives shall not congregate or solicit trade in the aisles or or outside of sanctioned meeting room locations both in virtual and in-person formats. The prior written consent of Exhibit Management is required for the employment or use of any live model, demonstrator, solicitor or device for the mechanical reproduction of sound. Such employment or use shall be confined to the Meeting Space. Exhibit Management, in its sole and absolute discretion, may withdraw its consent at any time, in which event Meeting Room Renter shall terminate such activity immediately. All promotional plans must be submitted to Exhibit Management for approval. Distribution of pamphlets, brochures or any advertising matter must be confined to the Meeting Space. The Meeting Room Renters are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into the Colorado Convention Center. The Meeting Room Renter shall refrain from any action that will distract attendees from attendance at the exposition during open hours. The Meeting Room Renter shall not lead attendees from one Meeting Space to another or to elevators or escalators.

The dress code at ISTELive is business casual or business professional. All Meeting Room Renters and their representatives are required to adhere to this dress code during any in-person or virtual component of the event. As an educational conference, booth staff attire should be appropriate. Attire should not be suggestive, use offensive language, or depict drug, alcohol, or tobacco use, or violent, racist, or sexist images. ISTE reserves the right to remove access to any Meeting Room Renter, attendee or other participant who does not comply with this dress code.

The ISTE and ISTELive name, logo and acronym are proprietary and may not be used in signs, advertising, promotions or on any product literature either inside or outside the Exhibit Hall. This rule applies before, during and after the ISTELive conference, unless prior authorization has been received from the ISTE.

Meeting Room Renter grants to ISTE a non-exclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to use the name, logo and acronym of the Meeting Room Renter solely in connection with the Exposition. All uses of the name, logo and acronym of the Meeting Room Renter shall be determined by ISTE in its sole discretion.

9. Film, Sound Devices and Lighting

If images, loudspeakers, or sound devices are used, the Meeting Room Renter agrees to comply with union requirements for the operation of the equipment. Equipment will only be permitted if tuned to conversational level and is not objectionable to neighboring meeting rooms. Operating equipment that emits excessive noise must be run intermittently for specific demonstrations only. Exhibit Management reserves the right to restrict the use of glaring lights or objectionable lighting effects.

10. Contractor Services and Information

Where an Official Contractor has been designated to perform services for a Meeting Room Renter — such as the rental of furniture, setup of exhibits, electrical work, plumbing, labor or any other service — no Meeting Room Renter or representative shall contract for such services with other than the said Official Contractor unless permission has been secured in writing in advance from Exhibit Management. Exhibit Management assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the services performed or materials delivered by the contractors.

11. Storage

The Meeting Room Renter will not be permitted to store packing crates and boxes in the meeting space or the Colorado Convention Center during the Exhibition, but these, when properly marked, will be stored and returned to the meeting room by Service Contractors. It is the Meeting Room Renter's responsibility to mark and identify all crates and boxes. Crates and boxes not properly labeled may be destroyed. No trunks, cases, or packing material shall be brought into or out of the Exhibition and designated meeting room areas during Exhibit Hours.

12. Photographs; Recording

No photographs, audio, video or digital recording of any type shall be taken without the prior consent of Exhibit Management and/or the Meeting Room Renters involved. In no case shall images or recordings taken by the Meeting Room Renters include attendees unless waivers are signed in advance by all parties. The Meeting Room Renter acknowledges and agrees that ISTE, its employees and contractors may take photographs/videos which could include images of the Meeting Room Renter, its representatives and its meeting room(s) while attending the Exhibition. The Meeting Room Renter hereby consents to and grants to the ISTE and its affiliates, the unrestricted, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free and transferable right and license to use (and grant others the right to use) the images worldwide without any compensation. The Meeting Room Renter acknowledges that ISTE is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights in the images and hereby waives (a) any and all rights in and to such images, and (b) any and all claims the Meeting Room Renter and its representatives may have relating to or arising from the images or their use. In no cases can Meeting Room Renters use any images of attendees participating in demonstrations or meetings for any commercial purposes.

13. Data Use

Meeting Room Renters shall be responsible for compliance with applicable data protection laws protecting the personal data of attendees.

14. Technology

The extent of a Meeting Room Renter's or attendee's use of technology during the event is not guaranteed.

In no event shall ISTE be held liable for participants' interruptions to personal Internet access, power access, video camera access, or audio capabilities, nor of any similar interruptions to that same for the duration of the availability of the event.

15. Discounts

Discounts, special offers and/or coupons cannot be combined at any time. No exceptions.

16. Liability and Insurance

All property of the Meeting Room Renter remains under its care, custody, and control in transit to and from the Colorado Convention Center, during installation and removal, and while it is within the confines of the Colorado Convention Center. Neither Exhibit Management, ISTE, the owners or management of the Colorado Convention Center, nor any of the officers, staff members, or directors of any of the same are responsible for the safety of the property of Meeting Room Renters from theft, damage by fire, accident, vandalism, or other causes, and the Meeting Room Renter expressly waives and releases any claim or demand it may have against any of them by reason of any damage to or loss of any property of the Meeting Room Renter, except where the damage or loss is due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Exhibit Management, ISTE, the owners or management of the Exhibit Hall, or their agents or employees, arising out of Exhibit Management's, the owners or managers of the Colorado Convention Center, or ISTE's duties and responsibilities under this agreement. The Meeting Room Renter understands that neither Exhibit Management, the Colorado Convention Center, nor ISTE carry business interruption and/or property damage insurance coverage for loss or damage of the Meeting Room Renter's property. The Meeting Room Renter agrees to obtain the following insurance during the dates of the exposition, including move-in and move-out days, and shall be prepared to furnish a certificate of insurance to Exhibit Management if requested: (a) Commercial general liability insurance coverage including protective and contractual liability for bodily injury and property damage; (b) Employer's liability insurance; (c) Worker's Compensation/ Occupational Disease coverage in full compliance with federal and state laws; (d) Comprehensive General Liability Automobile insurance.

17. Limitation of Liability

In no event shall ISTE, its officers or directors, agents, employees, independent contractors, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “ISTE parties”) be liable to the Meeting Room Renter or any third party hired by or otherwise engaged by the Meeting Room Renter for any lost profits or any other indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental or consequential damages, including attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of this application and agreement or connected in any way with use of or inability to use the services outlined in this application and agreement or for any claim by Meeting Room Renter, even if any of the ISTE parties have been advised, are on notice and/or should have been aware of the possibility of such damages, Meeting Room Renter agrees that the ISTE parties' sole and maximum liability to the Meeting Room Renter regardless of the circumstances shall be the refund of the rental fee. Meeting Room Renter agrees to indemnify and defend the ISTE parties from any claims brought by a third party hired by or engaged by the Meeting Room Renter for any amount beyond the exhibit fee. Further, Meeting Room Renter agrees to pay all attorney's fees and costs incurred by the ISTE parties arising out of or in any way related to this application and exhibit. Meeting Room Renter shall be solely responsible for its attorney's fees and costs.

18. Hold Harmless and Indemnification

This application/contract and agreement to these terms, conditions and rules shall not constitute nor be considered a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between ISTE, Exhibit Management and the Colorado Convention Center. Exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend ISTE, Exhibit Management, the Colorado Convention Center and their respective officers, directors and employees (collectively “ISTE Indemnitees”) from and against any and all liability, responsibility, loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind whatsoever as they arise (including but not limited to court costs, interest and attorney’s fees) that any of the ISTE Indemnitees may incur, suffer, be part to or be required to pay, incident to, or arising directly or indirectly from any intentional or negligent act or omission or breach of these terms, conditions and rules, or violation of any ordinance or statute by Meeting Room Renter or any of its employees, contractors or agents. The Meeting Room Renter assumes full responsibility and liability for the actions of its agents, employees and independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority, and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend any of the ISTE Indemnitees as expenses arise, from responsibility or liability resulting directly or indirectly, or jointly, from other causes that arise because of the acts or omission of its agents, employees or independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority. ISTE and Exhibit Management hereby each agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Exhibitor and its respective officers, directors and employees (“Meeting Room Renter Indemnitees”) from and against any and all liability, responsibility, loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind whatsoever as they arise (including but not limited to court costs interest and attorney’s fees) that any of the Meeting Room Renter Indemnitees may incur, suffer, be part to or be required to pay, incident to or arising directly or indirectly from any intentional or negligent act or omission or breach of these terms, conditions and rules, or violation of any ordinance or statute by ISTE and/or Exhibit Management or any of their employees or agents. ISTE and Exhibit Management assume full responsibility and liability for the actions of their agents, employees and independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority, and agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the indemnities as expenses arise, from responsibility or liability resulting directly or indirectly, or jointly, from other causes that arise because of the acts or omission of their agents, employees or independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority. The terms of this provision shall survive the termination or expiration of this agreement.

19. Cancellation, Postponement, or Relocation of Exposition

In the event that ISTE or Exhibit Management determines that due to any occurrence, force majeure, acts of God, war, or any other cause beyond their control renders the fulfillment of this Agreement inadvisable, commercially impracticable, illegal, or impossible by ISTE and Exhibit Management, the parties may amend or terminate the Agreement and so notify Meeting Room Renter. In such circumstances, ISTE and Exhibit Management may cancel, postpone, relocate, or change the format of the Exposition (i.e., in-person event to a fully virtual event).

In the event of cancellation or change in format of the exposition to fully virtual, ISTE's and Exhibit Management's sole responsibility to the Meeting Room Renter shall be full refund of all rental fees paid by the Meeting Room Renter.

In the event of postponement or relocation of the exposition, ISTE and Exhibit Management will offer meeting space that the Meeting Room Renter may accept and agree to under these same terms, conditions and rules. Should the Meeting Room Renter wish to decline meeting space for the postponed or relocated event, a full refund of rental fees may be requested in writing by the Meeting Room Renter to ISTE and Exhibit Management.

In all cases described above, ISTE and Exhibit Management may offer Meeting Room Renter incentives to maintain dollars on file with ISTE for application to any new or future events and/or fully virtual offerings.

Exhibit Management shall not be financially liable in the event the Exhibition is interrupted, canceled, moved, or dates changed except as provided herein.

20. Meeting Room Cancellation

Cancellation of any portion of this Application/Contract by the Meeting Room Renter will be accepted only at the discretion of Exhibit Management and then only based upon the following refunds: Prior to or on March 31, 2024: 80% refund on cancelled meeting room space; after March 31, 2024, but before or on May 15, 2024: 20% refund on cancelled meeting room space; after May 15, 2024: no refund. Except as the Meeting Room Renter's rental obligation may be reduced as set forth in the preceding sentence, the Meeting Room Renter is responsible for total room rental irrespective of the reason for the cancellation by the Meeting Room Renter including the failure of materials to arrive for any reason or disagreement with any published health and safety protocols.

21. Agreement of Terms, Conditions and Rules

Meeting Room Renter agrees to observe and abide by the foregoing Terms, Conditions and Rules and by such additional Terms, Conditions, and Rules made by Exhibit Management from time to time for the efficient or safe operation of the Exhibit, including, but not limited to, those contained in this Contract. In addition to Exhibit Management's right to close a meeting room space and withdraw its acceptance of this Application/Contract, Exhibit Management in its sole judgment may refuse to consider for participation in future Exhibits an Exhibitor or Meeting Room Renter who violates or fails to abide by all such Terms, Conditions, and Rules. There is no other agreement or warranty between the Meeting Room Renter and Exhibit Management except as set forth in this document. The rights of Exhibit Management and the Meeting Room Renter under this Contract shall not be deemed waived except as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the respective parties.