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Digital Escape Room: ASCD+ISTE’s Transformational Learning Principles Edition


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Virtual Session
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Session description

Put your digital escape room skills to the test while learning more about ASCD+ISTE’s Transformational Learning Principles! Each of the challenges are designed using accessibility strategies to ensure that everyone can participate fully. Everyone will leave with resources to lead this digital escape room in their own learning environments.


(5 minutes) Introductions (opportunity to meet ISTE Community Leaders from across the globe and hear about how we collaborated to make this experience for others)
(5 minutes) Why accessible digital escape rooms and a focus on ASCD+ISTE’s Transformational Learning Principles
(5 minutes) Instructions and tips for navigating a digital escape room
(30 minutes) Play the Digital Escape Room: ASCD+ISTE Transformational Learning Principles Edition in teams —>Device-based activity; peer to peer interaction; game
(10 minutes) Debrief and reflections about how to integrate the ASCD+ISTE Transformational Principles, UDL principles, accessibility considerations, and the mechanics of Digital Escape Rooms back at your school / district → Peer to peer interaction
(5 minutes) Wrap up: Information about how to access all the resources needed to implement this digital escape room (and three others!) in your own context (how to create your own digital escape room, etc.)

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Supporting research

ASCD+ISTE Transformational Learning Principles:

Research on escape rooms in education - design + power of communication, collaboration, and teamwork:

Dive into UDL: 2nd Edition by Luis Perez and Kendra Grant:


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District Instructional Coach
ISTE Certified Educator
Director of Coaching
Great Schools Partnership
ISTE Certified Educator
Technology & Digital Design Coordinator
St. Catherine's Moorlands School
ISTE Certified Educator

Session specifications


Professional Learning and Development



Grade level:



School Level Leadership, Curriculum Designer/Director, Technology Coach/Trainer

Attendee devices:

Devices required

Attendee device specification:

Laptop: Mac, Chromebook, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows

Participant accounts, software and other materials:

Access to a Google Account (can be created for free) in order to be able to take home resources.

Subject area:

Other: Please specify

ISTE Standards:

For Educators:
  • Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology.
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Apply evidence-based instructional design principles to create innovative and equitable digital learning environments that support learning.


Ensure Equity, Ignite Agency