Intro (2-5 minutes):
Background and introductions
Stated outcomes
The Why of Games (5 minutes):
Explore research behind the power of games for learning
Brief history and explanation of EduGames' effectiveness
Let's Play (10-15 minutes):
Entire session is a game where participants play to learn
Explore creativity and its meaningful incorporation into multi-subject instruction
Explain powerful tools within Adobe Express for students to share learnings
Model how students can use features like webpages, videos, and infographics
Collaborative Tools:
Explore the power of collaboration across platforms
Show how they can enhance inclusive personalized learning
Introduce Adobe Express content for Breakout EDU escape rooms
Creative Tools:
Take students to the top of Bloom's Taxonomy and depths of knowledge
Explore pathways for students to creatively demonstrate subject mastery
Playful Tools
Explore how students can playfully learn and be assessed
Game Design (25 minutes):
Walk participants through creating their own games
Guide teachers through student game design course
Conclusion/Call to Action (5 minutes):
Share full presentation with built-in notes and participants' creations
Share resources and templates for educators to instill playful learning in schools
Peer-to-peer interaction: Participants will work together to create games and share ideas.
Device-based activities: Participants will use their devices to access Adobe Express and other tools for creating games.
Games and Contests: The entire session is a game where participants play to learn and create their own games.
Connections to SEL and Future-Ready Learning:
The session will help students develop SEL skills such as creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving.
The session will also help students develop future-ready skills such as digital literacy and critical thinking.
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