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Achievement Unlocked: Unleashing Potential Through Educational Gaming


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Session description

In this interactive session, discover how gaming elements can supercharge student engagement, boost motivation, and transform classrooms into epic learning adventures. Explore gamified lesson plans, practical tips, real-world examples, and research-backed strategies to unleash student potential, foster collaboration, and inspire creativity. Ready to play? Let’s learn together!


Content and Engagement: The session will begin with an introduction to gamification in education, focusing on how game elements can increase student engagement, motivation, and achievement. The presentation will include real-world examples of gamified lessons across different subjects. Participants will engage through interactive polls, peer-to-peer discussions, and hands-on activities, such as designing a simple gamified lesson plan. Gamified elements like challenges and rewards will be woven throughout the session to keep energy high and foster creativity.
Time Breakdown:
Introduction and Overview of Gamification in Education (10 minutes): Explain the key concepts and benefits of using games for learning. Kick off with a quick quiz to engage the audience.
Case Studies and Real-World Examples (15 minutes): Present examples of gamified lessons from different subjects and age groups. Audience members will engage through Q&A and peer discussion on how these examples can be adapted to their contexts.
Interactive Activity – Design a Gamified Lesson Plan (20 minutes): Participants will work individually or in pairs to create a draft of a gamified lesson plan. They’ll have prompts and guidelines to ensure their lesson aligns with learning goals. A challenge-style format will reward teams that apply creativity and clear learning objectives.
Debrief and Reflection (10 minutes): Groups will share their designs with each other, discussing the challenges they foresee in implementation and what excites them about trying gamification in their classrooms. Audience members will vote on the most engaging idea.
Wrap-Up and Action Planning (5 minutes): Review key takeaways and provide an action plan template for integrating gamification into participants’ classrooms. Encourage participants to set one goal they’ll implement in the upcoming semester.
Process: Throughout the session, audience members will be encouraged to interact through device-based activities like polls, quizzes, and challenges using online tools. Peer-to-peer discussions will be facilitated during group activities and reflections. A point system will be incorporated to engage participants in a friendly competition, with rewards for creativity and collaboration.

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Head of Esports
Wichita Public Schools
ISTE Certified Educator
Coordinator of Digital Literacy
Wichita Public Schools
ISTE Certified Educator

Session specifications


Games for Learning, Gamification and Esports



Grade level:



Curriculum Designer/Director, Teacher, Technology Coach/Trainer

Attendee devices:

Devices useful

Attendee device specification:

Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows

Participant accounts, software and other materials:

none needed

Subject area:

Interdisciplinary (STEM/STEAM), Technology Education

ISTE Standards:

For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to apply teaching practices made possible by technology, explore promising innovations, and reflect on their effectiveness.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with educational standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize learning.
  • Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.


Cultivate Belonging, Spark Curiosity