(Each segment is roughly 15 minutes in length and includes scenario-based learning to foster conversation).
Segment 1: How does joy-filled learning bring humanity to the classroom? How does it espouse equity and honor dignity as a birth right?
• Scenario: Who is Myles? Why don’t we think he’s experiencing joy-filled learning?
Segment 2: How do we use PSC’s Contemplative Practice to plan for facilitating joy-filled learning for each learner?
• Examples of Questions from the Contemplative Practice
o How does each student see themselves as a learner? How does each student embrace their power as a learner?
o Who feels intellectually, socially and emotionally fulfilled? Who doesn’t? How do know?
o What actions have I taken to develop strong relationships that safeguard each student’s dignity and ensure a community free of the negative impacts of stereotyping?
o What are my current beliefs about trusting each students innate desire to learn and grow?
o What stereotypes or biases have I surfaced in myself about my students as joyful learners?
• Scenario: What did we learn about Myles? How is my instruction safeguarding his dignity as a human being and as a learner?
Segment 3: How do we use PSC’s tools to deliver joy-filled learning to each student?
• Scenario: What did we learn about Myles? What does he need in order to experience joy-filled learning?
Segment 4: How do we know to what degree a student is experiencing joy-filled learning?
• Scenario: What does Myles tell us about his learning experiences?
Powerful Student Care: Honoring Each Learner as Distinctive and Irreplaceable. Grant A. Chandler & Kathleen M. Budge, ASCD, 2023.