The purpose of this presentation is to show data and research on the benefits of an empathy based library, classroom, and Makerspace program. This will be done through examples of program creation, research pulled from my Doctoral research, and project samples to demonstrate student and teacher engagement.
Participants will be able to create an empathy based makerspace plan for their library or STEM program, leave with tangible examples, begin a planning document to have an empathy Makerspace lesson to start within their school.
As a result of this presentation, participants will be able to create an empathy plan for their school based in ISTE standards. We will utilize Google Suites, tools such as Canva for creation, and podcasting, blogging, moviemaking options for digital creation and sharing.
I believe that the best format for presentations is sharing data and concrete fact based evidence. Then moving into how to create this system and examples. Followed by participant work time, and a feedback loop between participants, their peers, and the speaker.
Success will be measured by the take away examples and the feedback being offered. It is my experience that the colleague feedback and key examples are invaluable.
Introduction (5 minutes): I will share my background and the key topics behind the work and my interest in the topics covered in the session.
Background Information (30 min): We will go over articles and data quickly as a group. I will share several article examples and give time to table talk. We will share out key findings and talk about how this challenges our thinking.
How to Implement (15 min): Building a program. I will dig into the building blocks and standard allignment when generating empathy based makerspace.
Project Introduction (5 min): I will challenge the audience to brainstorm ideas that spark their interests and empathy. I will ask participants to make a list and challenge them to think globally.
Work Time (25 min): I will structure this time as a period of exploration and then time to generate a 'preview poster' to showcase their makerspace idea to share with their colleagues. This is not a total and all encompassing plan, but rather an idea with an opportunity for feedback.
Feedback Time (6 min): Participants will take post-its and write one area of interest and one clarifying question on the work being presented including tech ideas that would be beneficial.
Debrief & Close (6 min): We will discuss the feedback loop and how we were inspired by the work of our colleagues. This curiosity sparks empathy and is an opportunity to take these ideas forward.
-Zarette Hammond "Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain"
-Tucker-Raymond & Gravel "STEM Literacies in Makerspace"