This poster presentation aims to share an educational experience where TikTok was introduced as a teaching–learning tool, that increased student motivation and helped them learn in a fun and different way.
Teachers will see how to introduce TikTok as a teaching–learning tool, that promotes student motivation, creates an engaging learning environment, and encourages the development of skills such as creativity and curiosity.
Participants will sympathize with students' concerns about the need to help people.
PBL Lesson Plan:
Evidence of success:
TikTok in the classroom doesn't have to be a distraction that gets banned when it can be a useful tool in helping reach and engage with students on a deeper and more meaningful level. TikTok can be a key tool for educational innovations that increase student motivation and help them learn in a fun and different way.
Content and activities:
Start by showing student´s campaign.
Share and explain the step-by-step process.
Present the PBL project and the different research approaches that students may follow to give answer to the research question.
Explain the research methodology.
Present how can innovative tools as TikTok and PBL be connected?
Time: 2 hrs Poster format
Process: peer-to-peer interaction (10-15 min per attendee).
PalomaEscamilla-Fajardo. (2021). Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education. Obtenido de Incorporating TikTok in higher education: Pedagogical perspectives from a corporal expression sport sciences course:
Scopus. (2022). Obtenido de App Review TikTok: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Implications for the ELT Field:
TikTok. (2020). TikTok muestra el valor educativo de la plataforma de la mano de expertos y creadores de contenido. Obtenido de
Zhang, X. (2019). ELSEVIR. Obtenido de Exploring short-form video application addiction: Socio-technical and attachment perspectives: