The particpants will be able to employ our star, wish, wonder protocol when they return to their classrooms in all facets of student artifacts, providing the opportunity to offer meaningful, authentic, constructive feedback that will not only contribute to the betterment of the work being created but also help students engage in more reflective practices to ensure that their own work is specifically designed for their intended audience.
~The presentations will begin with introductions of Geiman and McCray. (5 min)
~Then we will begin to introduce the topic by explaining how technology is improving our world, and is often met with resistance before full acceptance. (10 min)
~We then make comparisons with how writing was taught 15+ years ago, with the formats that are available to students now, emphasizing the use of an authentic audience to drive student motivation. Student blogging is discussed as the way to allow students to connect across classrooms, grade levels, states, and even countries around the world. (15 min)
~The feedback format is then introduced. McCray and Geiman show how the star/wish/wonder format allows students to give authentic feedback that they can then respond to and authentically improve their writing for their audience. (20 min)
~The presentation is wrapped up with McCray and Geiman sharing real-life examples of students blogging, and other examples of star/wish/wonder being used through blogging and through other formats, such as Google docs (10 min)
Jason Tham, Ann Hill Duin, Saveena (Chakrika) Veeramoothoo, Brandi J. Fuglsby, Connectivism for writing pedagogy: Strategic networked approaches to promote international collaborations and intercultural learning,
Computers and Composition, Volume 60, 2021, 102643, ISSN 8755-4615,
Zheng, B., Yim, S. and Warschauer, M. (2017). Social Media in the Writing Classroom and Beyond. In The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (eds J.I. Liontas, T. International Association and M. DelliCarpini).