This session's objectives are to explore and to provide hand-on experiences on how to integrate Artificial Intelligence into the K-12 classroom so to demystify AI as a hard subject to teach/integrate.
Participants will learn how to use several free/online AI applications that can easily be duplicated and experienced on any device.
The session will model and demonstrate how to train Machine Learning Models to use as standalone AI practices or in combination with Scratch 3.0 block coding.
Lessons plans, instructional activities, and a website with lots of resources will also be shared to encourage reproduction of the session's content.
This session content and activities outline will address the following topics:
Intro and Artificial Intelligence in Education/ISTE Background (10 min)
1. AI without coding like in doing Art generators or writing generators (10 min)
2. AI without coding but with applications to coding like LOBE or Teachable Machines (10 min)
3. AI with coding as in Machine Learning Models (which utilizes non-coding engines like Teachable Machines to use in Scratch 3.0 Machine training) (15 min)
Reflections and Conclusions (5 min)
Hands-On AI Project Series: A guide for Teachers (ISTE)
Elective Teachers:
AI Explorations:
AI Explorations ISTE:
AI4K12 Initiative (
AI for Teachers )
Blair, Nancy. Teaching /AI with the Hands-On AI
all materials requires are free online.