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The Manufacturing Innovation Challenge

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 120BC

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Instructor/Curriculum Develop
Hopewell Area School District
An experienced educator, Mrs. Colangelo has worked with students of all types throughout her 28 years in education. Mrs. Colangelo earned her bachelor's of science from Geneva College and was named a presidential scholar from California University of Pennsylvania when her earned her masters in Technology Education and Curriculum Design. In addition to working with students, she has worked as an independent curriculum and professional development consultant and educator trainer for companies such as Robomatter, Inc, VEX Robotics, Best Robotics, and Editstock and well as conducted several robotics camps at Penn State Beaver, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Session description

Industrial robotics can easily be implemented in high school technology classes, thus providing a pathway for students who want exposure to engineering concepts in a manufacturing environment. Discover how one school created a digital manufacturing lab and implemented curriculum centered around VEX's workcell station and other technologies.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce attendees to the importance of digital manufacturing education in relation to tech careers. Many schools do not have the traditional infrastructure to prepare their students for 21 Century employment.

I will be introducing attendees to several new technologies, such as the VEX Workcell, Ender 3D Printer, and Arduino's IoT kit .

I will share my experiences, have discussions, and time to interact with the equipment I bring.

Attendees will have a shared opinion of the importance the importance of digital manufacturing education and describe the discussion and hands on experience from the session.

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Since I could not include some of the potential slidedeck pictures I would use, please click on this shared link to see my outline of my presentation.

Her is the presentation without pictures:

ISTE Presentation (Application Proposal)
Slide 1 -Welcome
● Included several links and extra information so this slide deck is not just for a presentation.
● Download it and use it for review reference or to share with your colleagues and administration.

Slide 2 (2 minutes)
● Introduction
○ Who I am
○ How to Contact Me

Slide 3 (1minute)
● When we think of Automation, we think of robots taking over manufacturing jobs.
● AI should be thought of as adding intelligence both in terms of people and in terms of technology.

Slide 4 (2 minutes)
● The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production.
● The Second used electric power to create mass production.
●  The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production.
● We are currently in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a digital revolution that is a fusion of technologies between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.
○  It is disrupting almost every industry in every country.

Slide 5 (1 minute)
● We need to focus on all students getting exposure to manufacturing and engineering.
●  Look how shopping, work and entertainment changed during the pandemic.
Deficit Model Asset Model

Slide 6 (2 minutes)
● Not every school has the facility and budget to create manufacturing shops in their schools (bring up own experiences).

Slide 7 (3 minutes)
●  In addition to hardware, need a quality curriculum for your students.
○ For example, VEX Workcell Curriculum employs several standards, including ISTE standards (open link to demo)

Slide 8 (6 minutes)
● Authentic Use Case of Computer Science
○  Remember that the task of the use case is to give some sort of result that is beneficial to the user. Students are given realistic challenges that they would have in real life.
○ Describes the situation which contains behavior that is common to more than one situation.
○ Extends the situation which allows the new use case to handle a variation or exception from the original one

● Making Abstract Learning more concrete.
○ The process of implementation requires abstract thinking, but the moment those abstractions hit the keyboard, they become concrete code.
○ Code is concrete. There are immediate and specific consequences, performed by a machine that is well defined in all of its tasks.
○ Students collaborate throughout the entire process, getting immediate feedback and making decisions based on their abstract thoughts and concrete results.

Slide 9 (2 minutes)
● Discuss why using an education Robotic Arm is a great way to teach digital manufacturing.

Slide 10 (1 minute)
● One of the key advantages of an industrial robotic arm is their versatility for supporting multiple applications—from the simplest to the most complex jobs in the safest or harshest environments.

Slide 11 (1 minute)
● Robotic arms are augmented with the sensing and intelligence to perform new tasks. These smart, vision-augmented robots can detect objects in their surroundings, recognize them by types, and manipulate them accordingly.

Slide 12 (1 minute)
● Students get immediate and real feedback when working with robotic arms, so teams can work together to make quick adjustments, just like in real world situations.

Slide 13 (2 minutes)
● I use the VEX workcell because the coding is the same across all VEX platforms, so students who are familiar with any platform can easily transition to coding the arm
●  Students who are new can use example programs and tutorials to give them additional support.
● Supports both block and text coding (Python and C++)

Slide 14 and 15 (1 minute)
● The curriculum for the V5 contains several STEM labs with both student and teacher resources. There are lots of teacher resources like pacing guides, letters home, and rubrics.

Slide 16 (1 minute)
● All student labs should build upon each other. Students can work both as a class, small group, or independently through the materials.

Slide 17 (1 minute)
○ All curriculum should start with Safety, which should be just like when a new employee is trained for a company.

Slide 19 (1 minute)
● The students learn about emergency stops and how they are used to protect workers as well as pinch points that can affect safety and efficiency.

Slide 20 (2 minutes)
● When using an industrial robot there are many things which need to be considered, such as: what is its purpose, how fast does it need to move, what precision of movement does it need, will it be a collaborative robot?
● One of the major factors which determines how an industrial robot will move and what limits its workspace is its robot configuration.
● In this lab, students will explore the constraints and capabilities of the workcell.

Slide 21 (2 minute)
● I our class, students use math skills to move the arm to precise coordinates on the platform. Students also use these same skills when modeling 3D prints in our lab.
● One of our math teachers comes down to our lab with her students just to illustrate coordinates in her class. I also use it in my CAD class when teaching coordinates.

Slide 22 (3-4 minutes)
• Show pics of the lab and discuss the other components we have used to explore industrial manufacturing
o 3D printers
o IoT kits
o Resin Printer
o 3D scanners

Slide 23 and 24 (1 minute)
● How did I start?
○ I reached out to local colleges and found a study Robert Morris University was doing through a grant with the Benedum Foundation. They purchased most of our equipment, including the robotic arm and we worked with the faculty to create modules for the student to use to learn the equipment.
○ There is a Workcell Certification class, which allowed me to learn at my own pace. The program is great for novice, as well as more experienced teachers (and students). Each lesson and unit quiz have formative assessment - you can quiz yourself but also see the answers. This allows you to check your understanding throughout the course and feel completely prepared to take the certification exam.
○ I have turned in my certificate for continuing profession hours.

Demonstration of some of the portable equipment and questions (Remaining Time)

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Session specifications

Emergent technologies
Grade level:
Skill level:
Principals/head teachers, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Sites will be given during session
Subject area:
Career and technical education, Computer science
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
Computational Thinker
  • Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.