Educational Challenge: Understanding the importance of and how to use alt_tags effectively.
Instructional Activities: Attendees will learn what alt tags are, how to identify and create descriptive alt tags, where to locate alt tags in common creation tools such as Google Docs and Word documents, and how to apply alt tags to branding using social media tools including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Engagement using tools such as Pear Deck or Nearpod will allow interactivity and direct, real time response between attendees and session facilitators. Facilitators will also provide opportunities for attendees to apply knowledge learned to #ISTE social media shared photographs and videos to put skills into practice immediately.
5 Minute Quick Introduction
10 Minutes Explanation of legal issues including ADA, Section 504, WCAG
45-50 Minutes Skills Practice including identifying alt+tag tools within common software and applications such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (I do, We do, You do); writing alt+tag descriptions (I do, We do, You do); opportunities for discussion with other attendees and to compare alt+tags (Share on tool such as Padlet or Google Doc for collaborative learning)
10-15 Minutes Resources sharing
10 Minutes Question and Answer period
5 Minutes Wrap Up
Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design (Kat Holmes)
Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally (Emily Ladau)