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Using Microlearning and Whisper Courses to Enhance Your PD

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 118A

Explore and create: Exploratory Creation lab
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Learning Specialist
Compass: Partners in Learning
Brady Licht is a learning facilitator and designer. Before working as a Learning Specialist with TIE, Brady Licht taught at Bison High School and Rapid City High School, RCAS' alternative school, where he led two personalized, competency-based courses in a FLEX environment. He received his undergraduate degree in English Education from Black Hills State University, completed South Dakota's Rethinking Educational Models program in Spring 2022, and will receive his master's degree in Technology for Education and Training in Summer 2023.

Session description

Participants will be introduced to microlearning and whisper courses, learn the science behind them, identify when to implement them, and map out a microlearning opportunity for their staff. Adapted from the world of corporate training and mobile gaming, microlearning can supplement, reinforce, augment and remediate other professional development.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of the session is to provide individuals involved in professional development for K-12 districts an additional method of delivering PD. By the end of the session, participants will be able to use microlearning and have designed a microlearning opportunity for their own context. The specific outcomes include:
1) Be able to define microlearning & whisper courses.
2) Be able to summarize the current research on spaced learning.
3) Be able to identify when microlearning & whisper courses may be appropriate.
4) Be able to design their own microlearning & whisper courses.
5) Have designed a microlearning opportunity.

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1. 5 minutes - Poll participants on the "what is the largest barrier to implementing PD" via Padlet (time will be one of the top items).
2. 10 minutes - Define microlearning, share real-world examples of microlearning, and discuss the forgetting curve as well as research on spaced practice.
3. 5 minutes - Have participants brainstorm with a partner and then share "why isn't this training in microlearning?"
4. 5 minutes - Provide participants with criteria of when microlearning is appropriate. Provide participants with a template by Kapp and Defelice to design a microlearning experience/opportunity.
5. 20 minutes - Provide participants with time to design a microlearning experience/opportunity with the template. Session presenter will rotate the room and offer support.
6. 5 minutes - Have participants share their ideas.
7. 5 minutes - Develop a series of next steps for their microlearnings. "What do you need to do to develop this microlearning?"
8. 5 minutes - Invite them to continue the conversation around microlearning online beyond the conference.

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Supporting research

The primary book used in developing this is Microlearning: Short and Sweet by Karl Kapp and Robyn Defelice. Additional materials include:

- Allen Interactions' 2021 Microlearning Mini-Lab
- Designing Microlearning by Carla Torgerson and Sue Iannone
- re:Work With Google's "Whisper Courses: On-The-Job Microlearning with Email" -

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Session specifications

Instructional design & delivery
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Professional developers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Professional Learning Facilitator
  • Design professional learning based on needs assessments and frameworks for working with adults to support their cultural, social-emotional and learning needs.
For Education Leaders:
Empowering Leader
  • Support educators in using technology to advance learning that meets the diverse learning, cultural, and social-emotional needs of individual students.