This session will provide an opportunity for participants to engage in reimagining EdTech professional learning, given challenges that have been persistently present, and new ones that were added during the pandemic. We will present how Cambridge has identified these challenges (teacher time, range of skills, and authentic application) over the years, and how we took the pandemic as an opportunity to reimagine through the development and dissemination of a "Choose Your Own" model that provided 2-hour asynchronous modules on tools and topics relevant to identified educator needs. The modules are built-in Google Slides and include clear objectives, teacher shares, discrete tasks, video tutorials, and final evidence submission. There was an overwhelmingly positive response in SY20-21, and adjustments were made in 21-22 to account for in-person return. For SY22-23, updates to the model that are reflective of educator needs this school year are underway, including synchronous opportunities for educators to apply and practice skills as student SEL and academic needs evolve and shift. Three years of data and reflection on the impact of EdTech Professional Learning approaches and opportunities for future iterative design will be presented. The session will ask participants to reflect on their own PL experiences and share the best practices they have identified.
This session aims to connect those who are interested in the design and development of edtech professional learning for educators across PK-12 contexts. We hope to bring together practitioners who are interested in engaging in a collaborative session on the future design of EdTech PL who share the goal of building edtech engagement and capacity amongst educators. We will share details about the processes and procedures that have worked well for us as a district including how we identify educator need, lift up educator voices and best practices, and effectively match our delivery to meet those needs of educators. This session is designed to be interactive in nature, providing opportunities for participants to connect with one another, and reflect on and share their own experience engaging in this work. We will work to balance the session by providing a comprehensive model for discussion, space for connection and reflection, and collaborative idea generation so that participants walk away with concrete strategies and resources they can bring to their populations for effective implementation.
How Teachers Are Learning: Professional Development Remix:
EdTech Promised to Change How Students Learn, But the Real Revolution Lies Within Us:
How Professional Development Improves Teacher Confidence in Technology Transformation: