Identify instructional strategies that support the development of student skills outlined by the ISTE Student Standards
Provide examples of tools that accommodate learner variability and support flexible learning environments during student skill development.
Provide examples of scaffolding to support the integration of these instructional strategies and student learning experiences.
Provide models and examples to help participants visualize how to connect the ISTE standards to their course content and learning intentions.
Engage participants in an active learning experience to experience sample skill building activities that align to the ISTE Student Standard.
1. We will begin by presenting with an interactive activity to get people to activate their prior knowledge about the ISTE student standards. Then we will include a short overview on the “why” and significance for intentionally integrating the ISTE student standards (10 min)
2. We will provide a process educators can use to review their current learning targets and standards and identify entry points for developing specific skills that correspond with specific ISTE standards. This part of the session will also include audience participation activity. (10 Min)
3. Specific examples of how the ISTE student standards have been integrated into specific content areas will be shared to help educators visualize what this work and student outcomes can look like. (10-15 min)
4. We will also share sample rubrics that educators can use to assess student skills for the ISTE standards and provide instructional strategies that support formative feedback (7-10 min)
5. We will share teacher and student and data/collection research artifacts and tools to demonstrate how we are shifting our culture and building a deeper understanding around the integration of the ISTE student standards. (7-10 min)
6. Answer questions 5 minutes
ISTE Policy Maps:
WI DPI Tech Lit Standards Implementation:
Blog: What are the ISTE Standards and Why do they Matter?
Plan Digital Literacy Curriculum with ISTE, CSTA, and Core Standards:
A Study Guide for Student-Centered Coaching
This is a study guide that can be used as a launching off point to reading the above texts on Student Centered Coaching.
Moves for Virtual Coaching: Student-Centered Coaching for Today’s Schools
EBook by Diane Sweeney
Using Mini Cycles to take Student-Centered Coaching Deeper by Leanna Harris and Diane Sweeney
The Distance Learning Playbook, Grades K-12: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey and John Hattie