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Student Agency Meets Design Thinking: Lessons from the Innova Schools Experience

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom Lobby, Table 24

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Soy profesor de educación secundaria con especialidad en ciencias sociales. Desde hace seis años coordino el área de ciencias sociales en la red de colegios Innova Schools, que cuenta con 63 escuelas en todo el Perú. Como parte de mi labor, he diseñado el currículo de sociales para todos los grados y actualmente lidero la incorporación del ABP en las escuelas. Además, llevo 4 años liderando el Innovation Program, que es un proyecto de innovación en el que buscamos que los estudiantes de toda la escuela apliquen el Design Thinking para resolver creativamente diversos problemas sociales.

Session description

Hear about one school network's experience after working on design thinking with K-12 students over seven years. You'll get insights into how to engage and empower students to solve real social issues and to foster critical thinking, creativity and problem -solving skills.

Purpose & objective

At the end of the presentation, the participants:
Understand the methodology of design thinking and how to apply it at all levels of the school.
Recognize key elements for the implementation of a school project that empowers students and allows them to develop their learning autonomously.
Use technology as a means of exploring problems and prototyping solutions.
Address relevant social problems from school and at all levels.

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Block 1: The presentation begins by commenting on the current challenges of education, in relation to the connection between real life problems and including the voice of the students and their active learning. 10 minutes.
Block 2: It is explained how the application of a project based on the design thinking methodology manages to solve the issues described in block 1 and how it incorporates the resolution of social problems which are selected by the students. 20 minutes.
Block 3: Examples are presented on how this Innovation Program is roll out in elementary and secondary levels in a network of schools: what are the challenges we face? how do we face those challenges? what have we learned? what are our next steps? 20 minutes.
Block 4: A space to answer questions from the audience. 10 minutes.

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Session specifications

Innovation in early childhood/elementary
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
Science, Social studies
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
  • Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.