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Promoting Inclusion and Equity As a Digitally Fluent Leader

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 118C

Participate and share: Interactive session
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Assistant Professor
University of Central Arkansas
ISTE Certified Educator
Jessica Herring-Watson is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education at the University of Central Arkansas. She earned her Ed.D. in Instruction and Curriculum Leadership at the University of Memphis and works with K-20 teachers and students in a variety of instructional settings. Jessica has presented and served as a featured speaker at regional, national, and international conferences, including ISTE, AERA, and SXSWedu, and is an Apple Distinguished Educator. With over a decade of teaching experience, Jessica focuses her work on supporting teachers' development and persistent use of technology-enabled learning to cultivate more inclusive, creative, and engaging learning environments.
Associate Professor
University of Central Arkansas
Dr. Michael Mills, Associate Dean of the College of Education at the University of Central Arkansas, is a leading expert on assessment accountability and the practical uses of mobile technology, with a particular focus on ensuring educational equity and designing strategies for effectively integrating mobile devices in the classroom. He is an SXSWedu, ISTE, and SITE presenter and has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator and Google Education Trainer and has served on the advisory boards for SXSWedu and the Apple Distinguished Educator Program for the Americas. Feel free to follow him on Twitter (@MichaelSMills).

Session description

This session focuses on strategies for developing skills as a digitally fluent leader. We'll discuss the distinction between being a digitally literate and a digitally fluent leader, and how that distinction matters as we evaluate and use technology. You'll have time to collaboratively curate resources that support digitally fluent leadership.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this session is to provide attendees with strategies for developing their skills as digitally fluent leaders, particularly in organizations committed to inclusion and belonging for all stakeholders. We'll discuss the distinction between being a digitally literate leader and being a digitally fluent leader and why that distinction matters. We'll explore a variety of approaches and technology tools (e.g., Loom, Flip, Airtable, Zoom) that facilitate digital collaboration and ethical practices. At the end of the session, participants will also contribute to a shared collection of resources on digitally fluent leadership on Wakelet.

Session Objectives:
Participants will...
distinguish between digital literacy and digital fluency in terms of organizational leadership
reflect on the value and importance of inclusion and belonging in one's organization
examine strategies for implementing ethical digital practices that contribute to the organization's mission
explore tools that facilitate digital fluency practices

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1) Presenter introductions and introduction to the session (5 minutes)
2) Explaining the "why" of the session focus (Mentimeter backchannel to gauge participant experience with the topic) (5 minutes)
3) Discuss distinction between Digital literacy and Digital Fluency and why this is important to the session objectives (5 minutes)
4) Promoting Belonging and Inclusion through Technology. Presenters will share methods and strategies for advancing the organization's mission using technology and viewed through the lens of ethics, inclusion, and available resources. (15 minutes)
5) Maintaining Digital Fluency. Presenters will facilitate a discussion with attendees on challenges, limitations, and solutions, also viewed through the lens of ethics, inclusion, and available resources. (10 minutes)
6) Curating. Participants will collaboratively curate resources related to this session topic on a shared Wakelet page. During this time, the presenters will also facilitate peer to peer discussions among attendees. (10 minutes)
7) Questions & Closing. Final thoughts will be shared by presenters and attendees will be asked to share their insights and takeaways through a Mentimeter backchannel. (5 minutes)

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Supporting research

Anak Agung Sagung, M. A., & Sri Darma, G. (2020). Revealing the digital leadership spurs in 4.0 industrial revolution. Asri, AASMAN, & Darma, GS, Revealing the digital leadership spurs in, 4, 93-100.

Kozioł-Nadolna, K. (2020). The role of a leader in stimulating innovation in an organization. Administrative Sciences, 10(3), 59.

Maslin-Ostrowski, P., & Drago-Severson, E. (2014). Leading and learning in the digital age: Framing and understanding school leader challenges. In Handbook of research on education and technology in a changing society (pp. 651-664). IGI Global.

Nurabadi, A., Suhariadi, F., Mardiyanta, A., Triwiyanto, T., & Adha, M. A. (2022). Digital principal instructional leadership in new normal era. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 11(3), 1090-1098.

Petrucci, T., & Rivera, M. (2018). Leading growth through the digital leader. Journal of Leadership Studies, 12(3), 53-56.

Ribble, M., & Park, M. (2022). The digital citizenship handbook for school leaders: Fostering positive interactions online. International Society for Technology in Education.

Richardson, J. W., Flora, K., & Bathon, J. (2013). Fostering a School Technology Vision in School Leader. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 8(1), 144-160.

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Session specifications

Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Coaches, Principals/head teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Attendees will not be required to have any specific accounts in their devices. All technologies used in this session can be accessed through a browser on any device and operating system.
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Cultivate responsible online behavior, including the safe, ethical and legal use of technology.
Empowering Leader
  • Support educators in using technology to advance learning that meets the diverse learning, cultural, and social-emotional needs of individual students.
Systems Designer
  • Lead teams to collaboratively establish robust infrastructure and systems needed to implement the strategic plan.