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Creating Impactful Newsletters

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom Lobby, Table 26

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Executive Director
Illinois Digital Educators Alliance
@passionateedu (for IG)
Stefanie Crawford a Digital Storyteller | Professional Learning Coordinator for the educator non-profit Illinois Digital Educator Alliance (IDEA). She has previously worked as a PD Coordinator for a Regional Office of Education in IL, a K-12 educational coach, and a middle school ELA teacher. Stefanie enjoys helping educators feel supported and helping them bring their ideas to fruition. She loves learning, creating, and inspiring other educators, and she has a real passion for game-based learning, sketchnotes, reforming grading practices, impacting sustainable changes in DEI and accessibility with a special interest in neurodivergent learners, and trying new things.

Session description

Creating newsletters can be daunting as you navigate how to create them and what to include so that they're a powerful tool for communication, learning, engagement and relationship building. Attend to get guidance on creating newsletters and learn how to put the information into action.

Purpose & objective

Participants will leave this session with a firm understanding of how to make a sustainable and impactful newsletter.
Participants will leave this session with the start of a newsletter, including their identified audiences, purposes, features, and publishing dates.

Educational coaches will find sustainable strategies utilizing edtech to create regular digital newsletters with a clearly identified purpose, audience, and goal for continuation.

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1. Explore the weekly newsletter I create for Illinois Digital Educators Allicance and the weekly newsletter I previously created for Regional Office of Education 53 in Illinois. (10 min.)
- Identify elements they like
- Identify elements they would change/leave out
2. Identify your audience and purpose (10 min)
- Why and how
- Time to apply the concepts and identify audience and purpose
3. What features are important to include (10 min)
- Possible features, collect ideas
- Time to identify features that would be important to the identified audience and purpose
4. Which platform should you use for newsletter creation? (10 min)
- Examine factors and potential platforms
- Time to identify which platform would be best based on the previously identified audience and purpose
5. It’s all in the details (10 min)
- Name
- Design elements
- Privacy and sharing settings
- Noting interactive links
- Misc.
-Time to identify/brainstorm these elements for the newsletter participants are creating
6. Potential pitfalls (7 min.)
- Time
- Copyright
- Ignoring stakeholder feedback
- Too ornate/complicated
- Time to identify potential pitfalls/roadblocks and potential solutions
7. Questions (3 min)

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Supporting research

This is supported through my own ongoing practices, reflection, and feedback collected in several positions.

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Session specifications

Professional learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Cultivate a supportive coaching culture that encourages educators and leaders to achieve a shared vision and individual goals.
  • Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.
Digital Citizen Advocate
  • Inspire and encourage educators and students to use technology for civic engagement and to address challenges to improve their communities.