1) Leveling the playing field- Presenters will provide opening remarks explaining what esports is and a brief summary of the current landscape of scholastic esports.
2) Meeting the leadership in the room- Participants will engage in networking activities to get to know the others that are working within the scholastic esports space
3) Sharing of ideas- Participants and presenters will gather to share processes, challenges, and successes and help each other move forward
Part 1: Introductions and opening stories - Hosts will share personal introductions as well as their brief esports stories. Attendees will go through opening activities to share their own introductions and stories. (15 minutes)
Part 2: Identifying needs - Participants will have the opportunity to voice their own needs and participate in building an affinity map with the group to identify common needs. (15 minutes)
Part 3: Creating solutions - Participants will spend the majority of the time in conversation groups around the most popular topics based on the affinity maps. Attendees will get to rotate between topics. (1 hour)
Part 4: Debriefing ideas - Participants will have time to reflect with other leaders in their geographic area, building new relationships and sharing ideas with current colleagues to identify next steps for their own teams and organizations (15 minutes)
Part 5: Wrapping up - Hosts will conclude the forum by identifying top takeaways and creating opportunities for participants to stay connected and continue the learning experience past ISTE (15 minutes)
Esports Education Playbook
Additional research and resources available upon request