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WORD Force: A Literacy Adventure

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom Lobby, Table 37

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Senior Regional Implementation Lead
Michelle is a Senior Regional Implementation Lead with EVERFI, working with educators all across North America to implement EVERFI's real world skills digital programming. She is a former elementary math teacher and local to Columbus, Ohio - go Bucks!

Session description

Want to engage your students with a research and evidence-based literacy tool? Learn about WORD Force, a free digital learning program and app designed with literacy experts to help students build the vital literacy skills needed to reach their full potential.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce and promote the WORD Force digital learning program and app, which is designed to support early literacy skills for young children. The presentation aims to highlight the importance of providing literacy skill development support through evidence-based and research-backed tools like WORD Force. The purpose is to inform educators and curriculum decision-makers about the features and benefits of the program and to present the early signs of its effectiveness in building a strong foundation in key reading skills.


Understand the importance of early literacy skills: Participants will gain an understanding of the significance of developing strong literacy skills at an early age. They will learn about the long-term benefits of early literacy, such as improved academic performance, increased graduation rates, and enhanced earning potential.

Identify the challenges in reading acquisition: Participants will be made aware of the reading acquisition crisis in the United States, particularly among young children. They will understand how factors like the pandemic and instructional time loss have exacerbated the problem, and how it has impacted the overall reading proficiency of children.

Familiarize with the "Big 5" reading skills: Participants will become acquainted with the "Big 5" reading skills identified by reading experts as essential for addressing the reading crisis and enabling children to become proficient readers. These skills include phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, reading fluency, and reading comprehension.

Introduce the WORD Force program: Participants will be introduced to the WORD Force digital learning program. They will learn about its features, including direct instruction videos, game onboarding, level-specific interventions, an eBook library with a read-to-me feature, and adaptive pathing. They will understand how these features support the development of early literacy skills.

Highlight the research basis and evidence basis: Participants will learn that WORD Force is grounded in research and evidence. They will be informed about the initial research study conducted by EVERFI, which demonstrated the positive potential of the program. They will also be informed about the ongoing rigorous third-party efficacy evaluation.

Empower participants to take action: Participants will be encouraged to consider using digital learning programs like WORD Force as part of a comprehensive approach to addressing early literacy skills. They will be provided with information on how to access and implement the program in their classrooms or homes, and how to track students' progress and improvement over time.

By the end of the presentation, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the importance of early literacy skills, the features and benefits of the WORD Force program, and the research supporting its effectiveness. They will be empowered to make informed decisions about incorporating evidence-based digital learning programs into their educational practices and supporting children's literacy development.

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Introduction (1 minutes)

Greet the audience and provide a brief overview of EVERFI and the presentation. Establish the importance of early literacy skills

Understanding the Challenges (2 minutes)

Present national data trends on the struggles of children in the United States to read proficiently. Discuss the impact of the pandemic and instructional time loss on young students' reading proficiency. Introduce the "Big 5" reading skills and their significance in addressing the reading crisis.

Introducing WORD Force (3 minutes)

Provide an overview of the WORD Force digital learning program.
Explain the features and benefits of the program, including direct instruction videos, game onboarding, level-specific interventions, eBook library with read-to-me feature, and adaptive pathing. Highlight the research-based design

Research Findings and Impact (3 minutes)

Share the results of the initial research study conducted by EVERFI.
Present findings from families, educators, and in-game data.
Mention the ongoing rigorous third-party efficacy evaluation.

Participant Engagement and Interactive Activities (1 minutes)

Engage the audience through interactive viewing of activities related to WORD Force, the data reporting interface, or group discussions related to literacy.
Encourage peer-to-peer interaction and sharing of experiences or insights.

Implementation and Next Steps (1 minutes)

Provide guidance on how participants can access and implement the WORD Force program in their classrooms or homes.
Discuss strategies for tracking students' progress and improvement.
Share additional resources, such as guides, websites, or support materials.

Q&A (2 minutes)

Allow time for participants to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
Express gratitude for the participants' engagement and conclude the session.

Note: The times allocated for each component are approximate and can be adjusted based on the specific needs of the presentation. The interactive activities and engagement tactics can be customized to suit the preferences and resources available to the presenter.

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Supporting research

National data trends show that the majority of children in the United States continue to struggle to read proficiently (NAEP, 2019). This crisis has been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic and associated loss of instructional time, with our youngest students being most impacted (Amplify Education, 2022; Curriculum Associates, 2021; North Carolina State Board of Education and Department of Public Instruction, 2022). For young children nearing or just at the beginning of formal education, the pathway to achieving the Big 5 skills includes developing a strong foundation in early literacy skills like spoken language (including phonological awareness), concepts of print, early phonics, emergent spelling, and emergent writing (Armbruster, Lehr, Osborn, 2006; Armbruster, Lehr, Osborn, & Adler, 2006). Given the breadth of support needed to address the reading acquisition crisis, an all-hands-on-deck approach is required, which includes using available digital learning programs that are proven to support reading acquisition.

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Session specifications

Innovation in early childhood/elementary
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
Language arts
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Use assessment data to guide progress and communicate with students, parents and education stakeholders to build student self-direction.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session
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