5 min - intro, welcome, connect to tech tools (Padlet as backchannel as well as anchor document) and framing
10 min - high-level example/exemplar project didactic
10 min - NPC model overview (includes both a reading and think-pair-share to promote questions and sharing in Padlet)
10 min - gallery walk of resources by audience (QR code resources to explore, discuss, and plan around)
15 min - discussion and resource highlights from presenter (will use a protocol)
10 min - questions, comments, and next steps (Padlet questions first)
Kingston, S. (2018). Project based learning & student achievement: What does the research tell us? PBL Evidence Matters. 1(1), 1-11.
McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (2013). Essential questions: Opening doors to student understanding. ASCD.
National Park Service. (2019). Forging connections through audience centered experiences [Workbook]. Interpretive Development Program. Stephen T. Mather Training Center.
National Park Service. (2002, February 16). Research and education in our national parks. https://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/resedu/resedu1.htm https://bit.ly/3XXFSTi)
Picathely, D. (2002). National parks and education: the first twenty years. The National Park Service. https://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/resedu/education.htm https://bit.ly/3Zzc4Oe)
Washburn, J. (2020). Dynamic learning landscapes: The evolution of education in our national parks. Parks Stewardship Forum, 36(2). http://dx.doi.org/10.5070/P536248265