
Lightspeed Systems

Company Description

The market-leading Lightspeed Filter protects over 20 million students in over 39 countries. Through this experience, we recognize both the common issues and unique challenges that school organizations like the Thinking School Academy will experience. Our solution is specifically tailored to meet these needs of the Trust, utilizing proven and established technology. Our patented device-level filtering powering Lightspeed Filter solves some of the most difficult web filtering challenges schools face today. We do this by addressing security, bandwidth scalability, SSL decryption, and deployment management in a unique and innovative approach that reduces or eliminates many of the time-consuming and difficult tasks that IT must perform with other solutions. Over two decades of experience has helped us develop the most comprehensive and accurate filtering database helping over 6,500 school organizations keep students safe online. We are confident that the solution we have proposed will both meet and exceed the requirements of the proposal.

Product Categories

  1. Administrative and Assessment Technology
  2. Classroom Technologies
  3. Mobile Device Learning
  4. Remote/Cloud Computing

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