
Promoting Problem-Solving Skills With Tinkercad in Classrooms

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Participate and share : Poster

Juan Diego Gomez Romo  
Flor Herrera Garduño  
Ivanna Jaime Perez  
Fernando Trejo de la Torre  
Leonardo Ramses Sanchez Barbosa  

Newland school students put their problem solving and creativity genius to work in order to provide a solution in keeping their classroom environment clean. Elementary students will have to provide a solution using a LEGO Mindstorm robot, Tinkercad online software and a 3D printer.

Audience: Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices required
Attendee device specification: Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials: The above devices are needed to view the presentation since it will be a virtual presentation.
Topic: Maker activities & programs
Grade level: 6-12
Subject area: STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards: For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
  • Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.
Additional detail: Student presentation

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

The objective of the project is for students to realize that an everyday problem can become a perfect learning situation. Not only that, but this activity allows for sttudents to participate with a variety of skills allowing all students to be able to collaborate with the creation of the Clean Bot through their leadership skills, programming, designing and creative skills.

Participants will learn how everyday classroom situations can become a significant learning situation. They will see how Newland students used their problem solving skills to apply a solution with a Lego Mindstorm Robot and their programming skills with this item in order for the robot to know what locations of the classroom to visit. In addition, participants will be able to observe how a model created on TINKERCAD contributes to student creativity as they can design a variety of items prior to printing their final product on the 3D printer. This allows students to observe how there could be more than one solution to a problem.

Participants will observe how these Lego Mindstorm and TINKERCAD doesn't need to be restricted to the computer science class, but rather be integrated into any classroom to provide solutions to any problematic. They will also be able to observe the benefits of STEAM methodology at work.

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Juan Diego Gomez Romo, Newland School
Flor Herrera Garduño, Newland School
Ivanna Jaime Perez, Newland School
Fernando Trejo de la Torre, Newland School