
Digital Tools for Design, Creation, Images and Copyright

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Participate and share : Interactive lecture

James Allen  
Nancy Jo Lambert  

With endless images available in a Google search, learn about targeted tools for creation and design while utilizing Creative Commons and digital citizenship skills. Leave with resources for image curation, learn the process of image creation and learn about tools that educators can use to help students create images.

Audience: Coaches, Library media specialists, Teachers
Skill level: Intermediate
Attendee devices: Devices required
Attendee device specification: Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials: GSuite for Education
Topic: Digital citizenship
Grade level: PK-12
ISTE Standards: For Educators:
  • Mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
  • Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this session is to help educators understand that images have copyright, and educators and students cannot just go to Google and grab and use any image they want. We also want to introduce some new design tools to participants and help them understand basic design concepts how to be creative in ethical and legal ways. Once educators have a better grasp of this design and creative process, they can then pass this learning on to their students.


5 min - Introduction - This will include some copyright basics, a brief explanation of Creative Commons licenses, the importance of modeling ethical use of images for our students, and a display of a few finished example products.
10 min - Tools - We will discuss three of the tools attendees will use to complete their creations including Google Slides, Canva, and Genially.
10 min - Image Sources - We will explore a few sources of digital images and content attendees will use to complete their creations. This section will likely incorporate some peer-to-peer interaction and sharing.
25 min - Process - During this segment we will discuss and share strategies for image inspiration, creativity, and design. We will continuously go back and discuss specific tasks and model the use of a variety of image-manipulation software and websites. Attendees will begin to create their own images with plenty of time for individual feedback and sharing with the presenters and other attendees.
10 min - Follow up - This will be a time for specific questions and answers. Attendees will also begin to share their finished designs and images using a Padlet or other interactive social sharing platform.

Supporting research

Copyright. (2019). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
Roche, C. (2018, Autumn). Copyright-free image sites: A comparison. School Librarian, 66(3), 150. Retrieved from
Webber, N. (2004, May-June). Images and copyright. School Arts, 103(9), 68+. Retrieved from
Byrne, R. (2015, April). Go forth and reuse: the best resources for free, copyright-clear images, video, and audio. School Library Journal, 61(4), 14. Retrieved from
Gregory, G. M. (2016, December). What do you see? Information Today, 33(10), 20. Retrieved from
Johnson, Y. M., & Johnson, N. M. (2016). Copyright resources for school librarians. Knowledge Quest, 45(2), 18+. Retrieved from
CC0 - Creative Commons. (2019). Creative Commons. Retrieved 27 September 2019, from

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James Allen, Kentucky Department of Education

James Allen is currently the Statewide School Library Lead and a Digital Learning Coach for the Kentucky Department of Education in the Office of Education Technology. Previously he was a school librarian for sixteen years. James is an organizer and regular moderator of #KyLChat which gives librarians across Kentucky a place to share and explore new ideas. James is also a Google for Education Certified Innovator, Google Earth Education Expert, and a leader on the ISTE Librarian Professional Learning Network.

Nancy Jo Lambert, High School

Nancy Jo Lambert is a Google Certified Trainer with friEdtechnology and high school teacher-librarian in Frisco, TX at Reedy High School. She is a presenter advocating for libraries by telling the story of the learning happening in her library. She holds positions in TLA, TCEA, ALA, AASL, and TASL. She was named TCEA Library Media Specialist of the Year the American Association of School Librarians Social Media Superstar Curriculum Champion in 2019. She is also a co-founder of #TeachPride and EduPrideAlliance. She is known for sharing her professional work on her library on Twitter @NancyJoLambert and her website