
Intentional Coaching Through Purpose and Understanding

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Participate and share : Interactive lecture

Nancy Garvey  
Brian Timm  

The Coppell (Texas) ISD digital learning coaches have created some powerful documents that they use to coach educators through purposeful conversation and questioning. Their goal is to grow not only the educators, but themselves as they partner together to design learning experiences for their students.

Audience: Coaches, Professional developers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices required
Attendee device specification: Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials: need to be able to access a Google doc or Padlet and type in it.

They need an internet accessible device

Topic: Coaching & mentoring
Grade level: PK-12
ISTE Standards: For Coaches:
Teaching, Learning and Assessments
  • Coach teachers in and model design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences addressing content standards and student technology standards.
Content Knowledge and Professional Growth
  • Engage in continuous learning to deepen professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions in organizational change and leadership, project management and adult learning to improve professional practice.
For Education Leaders:
Empowering Leader
  • Build the confidence and competency of educators to put the ISTE Standards for Students and Educators into practice.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

Participants will understand different tools and strategies to coach educators in the design of learning.
Participants will take away several documents that can be used to walk through coaching interactions and moments.
Participants will participate in a group share activity where they will share ideas and strategies that they use while coaching educators
Participants will access the group share activity documentation.
Questioning strategies will be shared with participants.


Introduce CISD Story - Digital Learning Coach Storyline and how we got to where we are with coaching

Introduce group share activity and documentation

Introduce "Coaching Interactions Matrix Document"
Review and Processing Activity
Reflection Activity - through "group share activity"

Introduce Educator Continuum
Review and Processing Activity
Reflecrtion Activity - through "group share activity"

Share out ideas through group sharing activity, and processing questions through think/pair/share activities

Supporting research

Coppell DLC used the follow books and information around coaching:
Jim Knight - Impact Cycle, Instructional Coaching - a Partnership Approach
Elena Aguilar - The Art of Coaching
Elena Aguilar - The Art of Coaching Teams

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Nancy Garvey, Coppell ISD
Brian Timm, Coppell ISD