
Harry Potter's Invisibility Coat: Uniform Adaptation to Help Super-Power Pupils

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Francisco Aleman  
Juan Diego Soto  
Santiago Abarco  
Santiago Pichinte  
Mariano Jacoby  
Sebastian Blanco  
Adriana González  

Invisibility coat is a uniform prototype accessory that helps kids with super powers (autism) to integrate better in schools without being put on the spot. This blanket is a coat that goes over uniforms like Harry Potter and contains inside pockets with sensory gadgets and soothing tools (weights).

Audience: Principals/head teachers, Professional developers, Teachers
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices not needed
Topic: Equity & inclusion
Subject area: Special education, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards: For Students:
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
  • Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
Additional detail: Student presentation

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

The group of students where guided into different phases to create their prototype. Each phase had a different purpose to guide them.
Phase I: Different challenges were presented to students. In these challenges they had to solve small jobs that led them to experience what it was like to live with these disabilities. For example, completing a task blindfolded. This was in order to create the first awareness of all existing disabilities.
Phase 2: The students were asked to interview different Super Power students in our school community. They then had to come up with 2 ideas on how to help them.
Phase 3: The students presented their ideas, listened to the ideas of others, giving and receiving feedback to improve the proposed solutions.
Phase 4: Students investigated about Autism (choosen Super Power), they also interviewed many experts in the manner and visited many centers to understand and interact with people of their power.
Phase 5: Students selected the best idea as a group to develop only one proposal.
Phase 6: Students decided that eventhough they were choosing Autism Power, they wanted their prototype to be adaptable to others super powers.
Phase 7: Students created the invisibily coat using the design thinking process and tested it on their super power friends.
Phase 8: Students are working on their proposal for the prototype to be part of the school uniform for the upcoming year.

The main purpose of this project is to show awarness of the different Super Powers in our school community, and to be able to help them ease their school time by showing that we all have a super power just different one. The inivisibility coat is one to be used and adapted for all learning challenges.

Super Power Invisibility Coat Learning Goals:
1. Students will learn to become empowered and innovative designers
2. Students will be creative in thinking and problem solving
3. Students will find solutions to current world problems
4. Students will further connect to their educators outside of the traditional learning
5. Students will learn to participate and interact with students and faculty from different ages and levels (Inclusion).

- Fabrics that are sensory accepted for Autism Kids
- Weights thatt help them feel in contact with the ground
- Sensory tiys (playdough, puzzles, textures, etc.)

Students will learn the importance of Super Power and will all acknowledge their own Super Power. They will embrace the power and use the coat as an aid to overcome difficulties.

Supporting research

Sensory Clothing ideas:

Sensory Kids Store - Gadgets ideas:

Autism Products:


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Francisco Aleman, Highlands International School
Juan Diego Soto, Highlands International School
Santiago Abarco, Highlands International School
Santiago Pichinte, Highlands International School
Mariano Jacoby, Highlands International School
Sebastian Blanco, Highlands International School
Adriana González, Highlands International School