
Observing the ISTE Standards for Students in Practice

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Participate and share : Interactive lecture

Dr. Jody Britten  
Brooke Daniel  
Jed Dearybury  

Learn about the profiles of an empowered learner, digital citizen and knowledge constructor. Participate in a "what to look for/how to celebrate" activity that will prepare you to identify standards in practice and see how K-6 educators are achieving the ISTE Standards with all children.

Audience: Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices useful
Attendee device specification: Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: PC, Chromebook, Mac
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Topic: Using the ISTE Standards
Grade level: PK-12
ISTE Standards: For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
  • Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
  • Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Additional detail: ISTE author presentation

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

The objective of this presentation is to help educators identify the ISTE Standards for Students as they appear in practice. Often the standards are hard to identify and observe, but using the ISTE Digital Learning Pathways research base (co-authored by the lead presenter) and accompanying profiles of students who are knowledge constructors, empowered learners, and digital citizens observation of standards in practice become easier. Using proven observation and reflection tools, participants will have a true capacity to identify current practices that support the ISTE Standards for Students and strategies they can share with teachers to actively advance their instructional capacity to develop all students with the ISTE Standards for Students in mind.


I. Introduction (5 minutes)
- What are the ISTE standards for students?
II. Meet Your Students (10 minutes- interactive)
- profile of empowered learner
- profile of knowledge constructor
- profile of digital citizen
III. Celebrating Success (15 minutes- interactive)
- observing
- developing
- celebrating student mastery and access
IV. Observing for purpose (10 minutes)
- student work samples (videos and student work samples empowered learner)
- student work samples (videos and student work samples knowledge constructor)
- student work samples (videos and student work samples digital citizen)
VII. Observing and celebrating (5 minutes)
- Where to start
- Who to include
- Focus on equity and access
- Data to inform the process

Supporting research

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Dr. Jody Britten, Team4Tech

Jody Britten is a thought leader in digital learning. Acting as an activist for purposeful, quality learning experiences for all children Jody has built dynamic teams to conquer big issues facing preK-12 education. She has supported national and international private, public, and K12 organizations. Her work has supported large scale change that has lead to better learning experiences for children. She began her career as a public school educator, and grounds her work in practical yet strategic efforts to transform systems of learning.

Brooke Daniel, Hamilton Southeastern School Cooperation
Jed Dearybury, The Playful Classroom

Jed Dearybury began his career in 2001. During his early childhood classroom tenure, he received numerous awards: Featured in GQ Magazine as Male Leader of the Year, met President Obama as recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching, and was named a top 5 finalist for SC Teacher of the Year.Currently, he works in Higher Ed training the next generation of educators. He published his first book, The Playful Classroom: The Power of Play for All Ages, in June of 2020. Book two is due out July 2021.