
Designing a Sustainable System to Support Technology, Instruction and Flexible Learning Districtwide

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Listen and learn : Lecture

Connor McCoy  
Amy Mosley  
Josh Shepard  
Zach Sheppard  

Support for technology and digital applications has become increasingly important as more teachers include digital resources in their daily curriculum. Learn how to design a collaborative system inclusive of stakeholders, students and district leadership that supports district-led initiatives and builds awareness and ownership among teachers and staff.

Audience: Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Curriculum/district specialists, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices useful
Attendee device specification: Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:

List of resources available in your district or school

Topic: Leadership
Subject area: Career and technical education, Computer science
ISTE Standards: For Coaches:
Visionary Leadership
  • Contribute to the development, communication and implementation of a shared vision for the comprehensive use of technology to support a digital age education for all students.
  • Contribute to the planning, development, communication, implementation and evaluation of technology-infused strategic plans at the district and school levels.
For Education Leaders:
Systems Designer
  • Lead teams to collaboratively establish robust infrastructure and systems needed to implement the strategic plan.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this presentation is to exhibit a healthy model for building a district culture of support for technology and digital resources. This presentation will showcase how our district strategically designed a support structure that is sustainable long term, a structure that exceeded expectations when our district pivoted to 100% digital online learning on March 13, 2020.

Models include a technology resources guide, utilizing student internship programs, creative scheduling and understanding of needs, choosing systems that enhance the support structure, and vendor relations.

As districts have migrated to an online, hybrid, or flexible learning style the support needed for teachers, learners, and parents has raised concerns in many communities. With this new approach to learning, districts should adapt their support models to meet the needs of all stakeholders. This session will exemplify how districts can provide quality support, both technical and instructional, in all 3 environments.

Attendees will leave with a multitude of resources to deploy in their district to begin building an ecosystem that protects district assets and data while providing the support students, teachers, and parents need and deserve. The strategic alignment of resources, better understanding of support structures, and the ideas to put policies and procedures into place will help attendees be better prepared to support the needs of a digital environment.

District leaders will leave with resources for more in depth vendor evaluations, tools to evaluate total cost of ownership and analyze their effectiveness for hardware and software purchases in their district.


Background of our situation prior to starting the design and implementation of our current support structure: 5 Minutes

Building vision with leadership: 10 Minutes
- Why, Who, When, Where
- Total cost of ownership
- Implementation vs. On-going support
- Equity
- Strategic initiatives aligned to vision
- Building your team
- Student Interns
- Staff Expectations for support
- Training of technical and instructional pieces
- Customer support training

Evaluating and documenting resources and processes: 10 minutes
- Technology Resources Guide
- Policies and procedures
- Purchasing guidelines

Setting expectations with school level leaders: 5 minutes
- What are curriculum and/or technology expectations
- How are district wide implementation supported at the school level
- Expectations of flexible learning environments

Vendor evaluations and partnerships: 4 minutes
- Vendor Evaluation Form
- Setting expectations up front
- Support from partners

Technology support in these environments: 8 minutes
- Ticket Systems, help lines (Staff, Students, and Parents), self service portals and
- Custom applications
- Connectivity (onsite and offsite)

Instructional support in flexible learning environments: 8 minutes
- Common instructional programs
- Standards based timelines
- Teacher training

Technology & Instruction Partnership in a Flexible Learning Environment : 10 minutes
- Partnerships | Tech The Halls event every year
- Communication and collaboration
- Cross training
- Parent perspective | Common platforms, consistent experiences, consistent message

The presentation will consist of peer to peer discussions, electronic polling, and give aways to engage the audience. Team building tactics will be evident throughout the presentation through the use of engaging members of the audience in realistic mock conversations about topics of change management and decision making that accompany the creation of a sustainable support structure.

Supporting research

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Connor McCoy, School District of Oconee County
Amy Mosley, School District of Oconee County
Josh Shepard, Simpledu
Zach Sheppard, School District of Oconee County