
Creating a Curated Collection of Resources, Personalized to Your School Community

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Thomas Corbin  
Explore examples of curated collections of different platforms, organized by grade level and subject. Learn about strategies and best practices for designing a resource site that promotes individualized work with teachers, students and families, unique to one's school.

Audience: Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Skill level: Beginner
Attendee devices: Devices useful
Attendee device specification: Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Topic: Online tools, apps & resources
Grade level: PK-12
ISTE Standards: For Education Leaders:
Empowering Leader
  • Empower educators to exercise professional agency, build teacher leadership skills and pursue personalized professional learning.
  • Inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration that allows the time and space to explore and experiment with digital tools.

Proposal summary

Purpose & objective

The roles of technology integrator or coach are increasingly busy as schools look to maximize collaboration and support for classroom teachers, students, and families. By creating a curated collection of resources, personalized to your school community, technology integration can reach further.


I. Introduction (10 minutes)
A. A quick look at the opportunities and challenges within our role as integrationist and coach
B. What purpose does a curated collection of resources serve a school community

II. Overview and Evolution of Digital Resource Collections (20min)
A. Pros and Cons of Various Platforms
B. A Look Into Integration-Resources and its Design Using Wordpress
C. Tips for Getting Started

III. What Makes a Successful Collection That is USEFUL? (25 min)
A. Less is More VS More is More
B. Why Personalized Descriptions Matter
C. What Makes a Platform Worth Including
D. Why Examples Matter
E. Page Design and Layout
1) Simple Templates
2) Useful Widgits
3) Drop-downs and subcategories

IV. Building with Wordpress Specifically
A. Tags vs. Categories
B. When Should Platforms Overlap

V. Creating a Community of Contributors and "Mini-Experts" (10 min.)

VI. Closing: Questions and Contact Info For Support/Ideas (5 min.)

Supporting research

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Thomas Corbin, OunceIT

I've enjoyed 20 years in independent schools spanning Massachusetts, California, Washington D.C., and North Carolina as classroom teacher (K,1,2,5), technology integrationist, coach, curriculum developer, and trainer. I am driven to help foster a life-long love of learning within students who feed off of my own thirst for knowledge and enthusiasm for innovation. Above all, I embrace technology as a fluid and evolving mechanism that helps visualize and personalize new information for young learners, while also empowering them to show what they have learned in unique ways.

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