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Level Up Your Coaching With SMART Goals!

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 118C

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Director of Technology& Digital Learning
Uxbridge Public Schools
Jessica Brittingham taught fourteen years of high school English before becoming a Technology Integration Specialist and Director of Technology and Digital Learning with Uxbridge Public Schools. Jess moved from California and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in History from UMass Boston in 2000. She earned a Master’s Degree in Professional Writing from UMass Dartmouth in 2007. Jess is a Google Certified Trainer and Coach (pending), and plans to begin working on a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership next year. She is the proud mother of 2 girls, Rowan and Harper, and the proud-stepmother of 3 boys, Christopher, Matthew, and Zachary.
Professional Learning Coordinator
Jen Thomas is the Professional Learning and Program Coordinator for MassCUE. A passionate technology educator, she began her career as a library media specialist and later shifted into the role of technology coach. After 16 years working in schools, she is now thrilled to be part of the MassCUE team. Jen is dedicated to empowering teachers and students and has a strong interest in planning and delivering professional development in all aspects of edtech. Jen is a Google Certified Coach and Google Certified Trainer. She resides in Rhode Island with her husband and their three children.

Session description

This session aims to equip coaches with the tools they need in order to effectively support school initiatives, such as teachers’ SMART goals, while establishing their roles as leaders. Participants will walk away with several examples of SMART goals as well as strategies to strengthen the coach-teacher partnership.

Purpose & objective

The objective of this session is to provide participants with a full technology coaching curriculum, and the materials, network, and resources necessary to implement a successful coaching program, specifically focused on SMART goals. Participants will walk away with a comprehensive understanding of the Google Coaching process, and an extensive collection of resources ready to implement with teachers. The presenters will share lesson plans, project ideas, student work samples, rubrics, organizational and collaborative tools, and more so that each participant will leave the presentation prepared and supported in launching a coaching program, centered around creating and supporting teacher SMART goals at their home school.

Presenters will share tips and tricks they use to connect with teachers and increase student engagement through the successful implementation of pre-approved SMART goals. In demonstrating examples of these SMART goals, numerous lesson plans, project ideas, student work samples, rubrics, and organizational and collaborative tools will also be shared to demonstrate what can come from a strong coach-teacher partnership.

Evidence of success will include teacher and student testimonials, combined with evidence of student work before and after launching the SMART goals initiative; the growth speaks for itself.

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1) Introduction (5 minutes)
Presenters introduce themselves, their pronouns, and their story

2) Relationship building as the foundation of effective coaching (15 minutes)
a. Email Intro
b. Newsletter
c. Tech Tuesday
d. Department meetings
e. Collaborating with teachers - email, face to face, Google Keep
f. Monthly PD challenges
g. Modeling how to fail and be vulnerable; ”failing forward”
h. Just-in-time resources (curated resources via Padlet, Wakelet, Classroom)
i. Co-Teaching
j. Calendar Appointments
k. Relationships with admin

3) Defining your Role as a Coach & a Leader with SMART Goals: (30 minutes)
a. Pre-approved SMART goals + program to achieve
b. Strategies to gain teacher buy-in
c. The coaching cycle
d. Individual vs. Team coaching
e. Peer observation
f. Co-Teaching, observing, stepping aside
g. Reflection

4) Looking Ahead: Action Steps for Coaches (10 minutes)
a. Bi-weekly meetings with admin: making sure you have a champion
b. Part of the Leadership team: having a voice & seat at the table
c. Being intentional about what the role is and what it is not...and sticking to that
d. Less is more; focus on one teacher and one relationship at a time

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Supporting research

ISTE Standards for Coaches
Technology, Coaching, and Community
The Effect of Coaching on Teachers’ Instructional Technology Use in a 1:1 Environment
Coaching Matters
The EdTech Coaching Primer
Tech Coaches Network
Ask the Tech Coach
Google Certified Coaching Program

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Session specifications

Coaching & mentoring
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers, Principals/head teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Access to Google Apps is helpful but not necessary to access and create materials from the session resources!
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Create a shared vision and culture for using technology to learn and accelerate transformation through the coaching process.
  • Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.
Professional Learning Facilitator
  • Evaluate the impact of professional learning and continually make improvements in order to meet the schoolwide vision for using technology for high-impact teaching and learning.