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Computer Science Ringing With 'Do Nows'

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom Lobby, Table 9

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Library/DLCS teacher
Falmouth Public Schools
@Kristin Bergeron
Kristin Bergeron M. Ed Library Media Specialist I am in my 18th year as a K-4 Library/Technology teacher in Falmouth, MA. While I started my career as a Library teacher, I quickly embraced the importance of incorporating computer science and digital literacy in my curriculum. I am passionate about the importance of bringing CS to all students and enjoy facilitating workshops for classroom teachers through and CSforMA. I am an active member of CSforMA, MassCUE and work with MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Digital Literacy and Computer Science Leadership Network.
DLCS Teacher and CS Facilitator
Springfield Public Schools
Melissa Zeitz, PreK–8 Digital Literacy and Computer Science Teacher, has worked to support DLCS curricula in her school and across her district. Melissa is the technology and curriculum resource coordinator for the CSforALL Springfield NSF-funded grant which aims to write computer science curriculum to be integrated into the district’s academic curriculum. In these roles she has guided numerous teachers to different DLCS resources and curricula and advised the district in deciding what computer science resources may be beneficial for the elementary level. Melissa is the CSTA of Western Mass President and a MIEE Expert.

Session description

Are you a teacher who only sees students for 40 minutes and struggles fitting everything in? You'll learn how to start your class on time and share the content with students within the first 10 minutes of class using Eduprotocols and resources like Flip and Edpuzzle.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this workshop is for participants to understand how they can teach Computer Science terminology and concepts within the first 10 minutes of class leaving 30 minutes for students to participate in the project and apply their understanding of what they have learned.

Participants will know how to immediately bring Eduprotocols and other "do nows" into their classroom to build community and teach a concept.

Specialists who have a 40 min block and than go to another classroom will learn how to use these to create a stronger classroom environment and use the beginning of the class efficiently to maximize the learning and increase the participation of students.

This is just a list of some of the tools that will be mentioned.
Google Slides

We have personally seen the success of using these protocols in our classroom. I currently use them daily in a 6th grade class and sprinkle them into other grades pre K-5. I will be using them daily for grades 6-8. My co presenter uses them specifically with K-5.

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5 minutes: Personal Story, Who We Are, and Why we use them.
10 minutes: Participate in a thin slide Eduprotocol activity that connects to CS concepts
10 minutes: Talk about how we structure our classes so that the students know the routines and can begin them as soon as class starts. Talk about the impact that it has had on our students when we set these up.
10 minutes: Sketch and Tell Eduprotocol activity focused on using videos and responding.
10 minutes: Walk them through using Flip for “Flipping Jokes” of CS.
5 minutes: Questions

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Supporting research

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Session specifications

Instructional design & delivery
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.