What actually accelerates learning? As educators, we tend to focus on teaching – how best to deliver information and knowledge to our students. So it’s logical that we would try to accelerate learning by focusing on how we teach. This is exactly what many approaches to accelerate learning do. They focus on re-teaching information to fill gaps in student understanding from previous years, while hoping against hope to catch up to the current year’s learning objectives as well. But the question we need to ask is not, “How should we teach?” Rather, the question we need to ask is, “How do we learn?” Participants will better understand how to accelerate feedback, students to grade level, learning progressions, schema-building, math self-belief, and learning for all students as a result of their participation in this session.
7 minutes - State the challenge and include common mistakes that do not accelerate learning using peer-to-peer interaction.
3 minutes - Overview of the neuroscience of Learning including a description of the perception-action cycle.
6 minutes - Solution #1: Accelerate feedback through formative feedback. Give examples of interactive but not formative feedback and actual formative feedback. Audience participates in game-based activity.
7 minutes - Solution #2: Accelerate students to grade level. Address the myth of “catching up,” use peer-to-peer interaction to brainstorm how to make content more accessible, and discuss learning progressions.
5 minutes - Solution #3: Accelerate schema-building.
5 minutes - Solution #4: Accelerate math self-belief.
7 minutes - Solution #5: Accelerate learning for all students. Analyze the impact on students in special education, emergent bilinguals, students below grade level, economically disadvantaged students, and gifted students.
5 minutes - Conclusion and Q&A.