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Indigenous MakerSpace/MakerPlace Network: Exploring NASA Missions Through Place-Based Learning

Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom Lobby, Table 31

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MakerPlace Outreach Specialist
Little Singer Community School
@Thomas Tomas
Thomas N. Tomas, M.Ed., is an upper elementary teacher, STREAM Program Coordinator, and MakerPlace Outreach Specialist at Little Singer Community School. LSCS is nestled in the southwest corner of the Navajo Nation with a unique origin story: Our students’ cultural identities and STEM prowess shine when they take center stage at a local place of governance: Mr. Tomas believes that through the students’ voices and leadership, we genuinely get to understand the impact a culturally responsive MakerPlace can have on their development.
Dine? Language Teacher
Little Singer Community School
K6 Dine language and culture teacher. Teach STREAM (STEM) using a Dine cultural perspective to revitalize Dine language, reconnect students with cultural stories/teachings and help apply those teachings to students' futures in the areas of STREAM.
Little Singer Community School
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Phy
Public Outreach Project Manager
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Phy
Troy Cline is a Public Outreach Project Manager for the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. In this new role he supports a range of outreach opportunities for space science missions including Parker Solar Probe, EZIE, DART, IMAP and DRAGONFLY. Outreach opportunities include paper models, 3D prints, AR/VR, and indigenous outreach programs to international challenges such as NASA’s Space Apps Challenge.

Session description

Learn about one of NASA’s newest makerspace programs that focuses on Indigenous communities. Makerplace is a makerspace that represents place-pased learning relevant to Indigenous community life and personal futures. Indigenous representatives will share maker-based activities and their stories that connect culture to NASA missions.

Purpose & objective

-Participants will investigate, discuss and learn about 4 technologies currently being used by indigenous makerspaces/makerplaces to develop innovative hands-on projects that will better communicate unique indigenous perspectives pertaining to content provided by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe and EZIE missions: Coding and Electronics (Scratch, LEGO Spike Prime, BlocksCAD, MagPi), 3D Fabrication (3D printers, BlocksCAD, Gravity Sketch), Virtual Reality (VR, Oculus Quest 2), Media Arts.

-Participants will have the opportunity to provide input into the use of the technologies listed above that will be collected and shared with the NASA outreach community.

-Participants will have the opportunity to sign up for information about the MakerPlace programs and how to integrate character education into their own makerspaces.

-Participants will have access to a series of lesson plans and demonstration resources.

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Our approach will provide meaningful and interactive 5-10 minute experiences for poster session participants. Short demos and discussions will provide hands-on experiences for each of the projects being developed in the MakerPlace program. This approach will allow for a larger number of participants to experience the MakerPlace program through the pedagogy of play.

Content and Activities/Time:
-5 minute demonstrations will encourage audience participation and ‘peer to peer’ interaction with indigenous makers. Demonstrations for each of the 4 technologies below will showcase current Indigenous MakerPlace projects and content:
[1] Featured Technology: Coding and Electronics (i.e. Scratch, LEGO Spike Prime, BlocksCAD, Magnetometer Maker Kit)
[a] Project Demonstration: NASA's EZIE Mission's Citizen Science Magnetometer Maker Kit
[b] Project Demonstration: Connecting WiFi Lighting into Space Weather Date

[2] Featured Technology: 3D Fabrication (i.e. 3D printers, BlocksCAD, Gravity Sketch)
[a] Project Demonstration: Navajo Educational Toys and Demos

[3] Featured Technology : Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (i.e. VR, Oculus Quest 2)
[a] Project Demonstration: Parker Solar Probe AR Experience and Smart Phones

[4] Featured Technology: Media Arts
[a]Project Demonstration: Science Exploration through Tilt Brush

5 Minute Discussions:
- Indigenous student presenters will answer questions and share their knowledge with participants. In addition, students from one or more indigenous community MakerPlaces will remotely Zoom in to answer questions and interact with participants. If connectivity is an issue, we will have pre recorded demos available at our session and/or via out digital tote.

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Supporting research

MakerPlace Presentations:
-Miller, J. & Tomas, T. (2021). Designing culturally responsive makerspace pop-up activities for middle school students at NSTA (National Science Teacher Association) Engage Conference, Online.
-Miller, J. & Tomas, T. (2021). Designing culturally responsive makerspace pop-up activities for elementary students at (National Science Teacher Association) NSTA Engage Conference, Online.
-Miller, J., Tomas, T., Maryboy, N., & Begay, D. (2018). A Rural Navajo Reservation Makerspace. Dimensions, (September/October), 50–52.

Space Weather Content Links in Support of Key MakerSpace demonstrations:
-EZIE Mission:
-Parker Solar Probe Mission: /
-SDO | Solar Dynamics Observatory:
-Highlights From SDO's 10 Years of Solar Observation:

Additional supporting lesson plans and outreach activities will be included in the digital tote.

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Session specifications

Maker activities and programs
Grade level:
Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
Global Collaborator
  • Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
  • Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions.