Our purpose is to show how school districts and school sites can prioritize staff wellness with positive outcomes for staff and students. When staff feel valued, heard and are given the time for self care, they are more connected to their school and have the energy to soldier on for students! We will share our websites, padlets, surveys and online resources to help staff stay grounded and connected to wellness tools. We will share survey results and data to show our successes with adding on staff wellness to an already existing system focusing on student supports.
We will provide experiential aspects of our presentation and access to online resources as well. We have comprehensive online tools that have been curated and will be shared with the attendees. Social Emotional Standards will be shared to further explain the foundation why it is important to focus on wellness, with staff in particular. The goal is for the attendees to experience the benefits of taking time for staff wellness and how that can lead to increased staff morale and positive student outcomes. We will use peer to peer interactions as well as some staff interaction quizzes to test their knowledge and maintain engagement.