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Using Video Game Design to Shape Inclusive Computer Science Environments

Pennsylvania Convention Center, 122B

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Education Information Technology
Tonya Coats is a Technology Curriculum Coordinator (TSA) for Jurupa Unified School District in Southern California. She has been an educator for over 20 years. Tonya believes exposing students to computer science at a young age will give them the exposure to build interest and confidence to learn how to apply these skills to help solve real-world problems. In 2023, she was featured on CBS Mission: Unstoppable as a leading female in STEM. She is a 2023 micro:bit champion, a 2022 CSTA Honorable Mention, 2022-2023 CSTA Equity Fellow, and an IACUE Board Member, a regional affiliate of CUE.
Yolanda Payne has been in love with computers since her parents bought a Tandy computer from Radio Shack. With over 20 years of education experience ranging from Pre-K to college, Yolanda hopes that her love of learning, curiosity and adding adventure to everyday life are elements of the legacy she is building in the CS education field.

Session description

Get an introduction to the basics of video game design and block-based coding with MakeCode Arcade. You'll learn how to empower students to use their experiences to design games that are accessible, representative of themselves and supportive of all audiences.

Purpose & objective

The objective of this session introduces attendees to the basics of video game design and block-based coding with MakeCode Arcade. Attendees will learn how to empower students to use their experiences to design video games that are accessible, representative of themselves, and supportive to all audiences.

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Content and Activities:

( 5min) Before the session begins
Using Padlet attendees will answer this question: What types of video games do you like to play? This will lead to design considerations that go into making inclusive video games.

-(20 min)
- That it’s our responsibility to ensure that the experiences we create are accessible and relatable to all students.
-An inclusive game can look like anything, as long as it is designed explicitly with diverse audiences’ needs in mind.
-Using students' experiences and background empower students to think critically about creating games that welcomes all audiences and expresses themselves during the design process.

Using their personal devices, attendees will be introduced to the MakeCode Arcade platform. Using the platform we will create a video game that can be shared and customized.

(5 min)
Questions and discussions about the content presented.

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Supporting research

-No Fear Coding: Computational Thinking Across the K-5 Curriculum

-“Coding is the new literacy. To thrive in tomorrow’s society, young people must learn to design, create and express themselves with digital technologies,” says Mitchel Resnick, a media arts and sciences professor at the MIT Media Lab.

-Why Learning to Code Benefits Kids, Regardless of Future Career Choice

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Session specifications

Computer science & computational thinking
Grade level:
Skill level:
Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Ensure all students have skilled teachers who actively use technology to meet student learning needs.
For Educators:
  • Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
Related exhibitors:
Microsoft Corporation