Director of Technology & Innovation
Christine Lion-Bailey serves as Director of Tech & Innovation and Elementary Principal in the Morris Plains School District in New Jersey. She also is a professor of teacher education at Ramapo College of NJ. Christine is the Chief Strategy Officer/Founder of Ready Learner One, an innovative learning solutions provider. Christine sits on the Advisory Board for Pace University Transformative Leadership Program and for CDW Education. She is co-author of Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented & Virtual Reality and The Esports Education Playbook: Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming.
Jesse Lubinsky is an Education Evangelist for Adobe. He is an Adobe Creative Educator, a Google Certified Innovator & Trainer, a CoSN CETL, an adjunct professor of education and technology, and an international keynote speaker. Jesse is co-author of “Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality” and "The Esports Education Playbook: Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming." He is also co-host of the Partial Credit Podcast and the Ready Learner One Lounge, a virtual reality show focused on innovations in teaching and learning. He is currently a doctoral student in Education Leadership at Manhattanville College.
Session description
Explore how a creative approach to outreach and communication can transform the relationship between the school and the community. This session will explore multiple modes of providing voice and agency to your staff and your programs to foster a positive relationship with the community in which they serve.
Purpose & objective
Participants will be able to:
1. Develop a vision for the areas of their school/district organization that would serve well to highlight to the community. This may include specific people, programs, etc.
2. Formulate an action plan for how to empower voice and agency among these identified areas as a means to educate the community on their successes (which in turn will lead to increased community awareness).
3. Learn how to leverage tools, such as Adobe Express, to develop collateral to support the above mentioned voice and agency.
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The session will be comprised of three parts- 20% lecture/share as related to the concepts of building voice and agency, 30% example sharing of practical ways to achieve voice and agency, and 50% hands-on learning in which creation tools are taught to and leveraged by participants.
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Supporting research
There are many articles and blogs that discuss the importance of building positive relationships with community- however, it is often addressed in theory without practical application.
The topic has been addressed by Education Week, Edutopia, TeachBetter and there is formal research done by University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and University of California, Berkeley, among others.
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