The purpose of this workshop is to help any educator, regardless of role to discuss race and how colorblind leadership creates further inequity. This is especially true in technology setting where user-friendly strategies can ignore bias and systemic racism in our technology world.
What is an antiracist educator (10 minutes)
A. Definition of an antiracist educator
B. The Antiracist Educator Diagram
II. Racism vs. Antiracism in Education Technology Leadership (10 minutes)
A. Technology Gap
B. Fighting Hate Speech through Digital Literacy
C. Culturally Responsive Leadership
III. The Antiracist Tech Leader (10 minutes)
A. Tech Leadership
B. Instructional Technology Leadership
C. Modeling for other Educators
IV. Participation-- Developing students antiracist education technology skills (20 minutes
A. Developing student social justice skills through Communication Skills
B. Developing student social skills skills through Technology skills
Henry Turner and Kathy Lopes. Change The Narrative: How to Foster an Antiracist Culture in Your School
Zaretta Hammond and Yvette Jackson. Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students.
Sarah Becker and Crystal Paul. "It Didn't Seem Like Race Mattered": Exploring the Implications of Service-learning Pedagogy for Reproducing or Challenging Color-blind Racism
R. Richard Banks, Jennifer L. Eberhardt and Lee Ross. "Discrimination and Implicit Bias in a Racially Unequal Society"
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva. Racism WIthout Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America
Watters, A. "To have and to have not: When it comes to the latest technology,
some schools are more equal than others."
Ibram Kendi. How to Be and Antiracist.
Sánchez, P. & Salazar, M. "Transnational computer use in urban Latino
immigrant communities: Implications for schooling".